Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Stella Grossular

Summary []

Stella Grossular is one of the few students enrolled at Death Institute Majin Academy and the daughter of the Overlord of Death Institute Majin Academy. She planned to destroy Netherinstitute Evil Academy so her school would get more students.

Powers and Stats []

Tier: Low 1-C

Name: Stella Grossular

Origin: Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice

Gender: Female

Age: 1657

Classification: Demon, Majin

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical CharacteristicsImmortality (Type 1), FlightElemental Manipulation, Fire ManipulationEnergy ManipulationEnergy ProjectionSummoning

Attack Potency: Low Complex Multiverse Level (Is comparable to Rutile)

Speed: MFTL+ (Has fought Mao)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Low Complex Multiverse Level

Durability: Low Complex Multiverse Level

Stamina: Superhuman (Comparable to Mao)

Range: Standard melee range to Extended melee range

Standard Equipment: Sword

Intelligence: High

Weaknesses: None Notable

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Bane Rose: Stella rapidly stabs the enemy with her sword.
  • Purgatory Ignition: Stella traps the enemy inside of a magic circle before throwing a fireball at them.
  • Flame Hazard: Stella summons a fire lizard to attack the enemy with fire breath.