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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
This is our home, our planet, our friends and family! We... are the Crystal Gems!
~ Steven Universe, "Reunited"

Summary SU[]

Steven Quartz Universe is the titular main protagonist of the show Steven Universe. He is the son of former rock musician Greg Universe and late leader of the Crystal Gems Rose Quartz, and the only member of human descent of the protagonist team, the Crystal Gems.

A half-human, half-Gem as a result of his parentage, Steven is an extraordinarily unique being with innate powers beyond that of both normal humans and Gems. While only a child, Steven has steadily grown from a tag-along to the Crystal Gems into an equal amongst their ranks thanks to his good-hearted nature and resourcefulness. Though he is a part of a monumental legacy, Steven is devoted to fulfilling his destiny as protector of humanity, just as his mother was before him.


Tier: 9-B physically, High 6-C, 6-B, 6-A, 5-A, possibly High 4-C, likely Low 2-C to possibly 2-A with Gem Powers | 6-A to 5-A, possibly High 4-C, likely Low 2-C to possibly 2-A, higher in Pink State and in Monster State | Low 2-C, High 2-A to possibly 1-C | 2-C

Name: Steven Quartz Universe

Origin: Steven Universe

Gender: Male

Age: 13 (Beginning of Series), 14 (Season 2-5), 16 (End of Series)

Classification: Human-Gem hybrid, Crystal Gem, Son of Rose Quartz and Greg Universe, Diamond


Notable Powers SU Text[]

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Social Influencing, Weapon Creation (Can summon a shield from his gem), Weapon Mastery (Very proficient with using his shield), Forcefield Creation, Attack Reflection (Can summon bubble shields around himself, his shield and bubble can reflect attacks), Age Manipulation (His physical age alters based on his state of mind), Regeneration (Mid-Low, healed numerous bone fractures the moment they occurred and could heal various cuts and bruises at an accelerated rate), Sealing, Power Nullification, BFR (Can seal objects in small bubbles and send them somewhere else, gems were unable to create a form and seemingly put into a form of stasis when they were contained inside of a bubble, sealing a Harmony Core inside of a bubble contained its mind-hax), Healing (Can heal injuries with his saliva), Plant Manipulation (His saliva can create sentient plant life), Fusionism (Can fuse with other gems and humans), Martial Arts (Is very proficient in wrestling), Emotional Manipulation, Telepathy (Can share emotions through telepathy), Underwater Breathing (With bubbles), Resistance to Acid Manipulation, Corrosion Inducement (Only suffered minor burns from prolonged exposure to the centipeetle's acid, which could liquify large walls of rock near-instantly), Time Stop (Can move in stopped time), and possibly Power Nullification (Could remain consious while inside of one of Garnet's bubbles, which puts gems inside of it into a form of stasis and prevents them from creating a form, although this could simply not work on non-dormant gems)

All previous abilities to a greater extent, Dream Manipulation (Can communicate through and manipulate dreams), limited Flight (Can control the speed of his descent, float freely, or halt any momentum midair), Possession (Can link his consiousness to other people and possess them while he sleeps), Purification (Type 3; Could have healed Jasper’s corruption before it fully spread), Mind Manipulation (Can link his mind with others), Resistance to Extreme Heat (Could traverse inside of Bismuth's forge with little issue, which is inside of an active volcano, in which the air can reach temperatures nearly as high as the lava itself, and stand on rock directly next to flowing mamga barefoot with only minor burns, his shields can withstand the heat at the center of the Earth)

All previous abilities to a greater extent, Resurrection (Can resurrect the recently deceased with his tears), Aura, Astral Projection (Can enter the astral plane while unconsious, where he can possess minds and project his thoughts), Enhanced Marksmanship (Can throw his shield in such a way that it ricochets off of multiple enemies before returning to his hand), Sound Manipulation, Statistics Amplification, Healing, Purification (Can play different songs to invoke different effects, such as curing status effects, amplifying strength, durability or luck, or restoring health, can also restore health of himself or others through encouragement), Summoning (Can summon bubble shields around allies), Passive Resurrection (When wearing Pink Diamond's outfit, will automatically be revived with low health upon being defeated for the first time in battle), limited Probability Manipulation (The Super Duper Shield Bash is guaranteed to land lucky hits), Resistance to Mind Manipulation, Absorption (Could hold multiple Harmony Cores in his hands with no negative effects and was unaffected by the waves it sent out to absorb the minds of humans, just one Harmony Core could absorb the minds of multiple gems, and gem minds are this large)

All previous abilities to a greater extent, Life Manipulation (Can make plants regrow with his spit), Immortality (Type 1, can now freely manipulate his physical age regardless of his mental state), Resistance to Poison Manipulation & Corrosion Inducement (Was barely affected by extended exposure to bio-poison from Spinel's injector, which could necrotize a human's arm instantly upon contact and melt the the outside of a car)

All previous abilities besides those unique to Pink Steven to a far greater extent, Sound Manipulation, Vibration Manipulation, Energy Projection (Can make omnidierctional shockwaves and bursts of pink energy by screaming, which can be focused in his monster state), Technopathy (Can project his dreams and thoughts onto electronic devices), Density Manipulation (Can greatly increase the weight of his body), Awakened Power, Rage Power (This state becomes stronger in response to passionate emotions, becoming especially stronger with rage), Berserker Mode (Can lose all control of his pink state and become a berserking monster due to his poor state of mind), True Flight (Can freely fly in this state), greatly improved Forcefield Creation (Can create large walls of diamond shaped barriers, create smaller diamond shaped forcefields or large spiked walls to use as projectiles, as well as large domes of forcefields), Size Manipulation (Can alter the size of his body), Large Size through Size Manipulation (Up to type 2) Resistance to Emotional Manipulation (Could resist Blue Diamond's ability to alter emotions in this state), Transmutation, Size Manipulation & Mind Manipulation in Monster form (Could resist Yellow and White Diamond's abilities in this form)

Physical Stats SU Text

Attack Potency[]

Wall Level (Accidentally launched his shield hard enough to cut his television in half. With just his bare hands, he can rip part of an arcade machine. Destroyed Greg's dashboard with his punches), Large Island Level (Fought on par with Amethyst, the latter of who is comparable to Garnet, who defeated Jasper who could tank an explosion strong enough to create a hole in the Gem Warship. The Gem Warship took no damage from Opal's arrows or the laser light cannons, the latter of which could destroy a meteor, which was going to destroy all of beach city if not stopped. Could unfuse Topaz and do so with significant difficulty and concentration), Country level (Can destroy the diamond's warships, which generated 27.63207456978967258 Teratonnes of TNT with an earthquake), Continent Level (Comparable to the likes of the Rubies, who are capable of enduring getting hit by the Roaming Eye), Large Planet Level (Jasper is portrayed as a match for to if not possibly superior to Lapis), possibly Large Star level (In astral form, he illuminated the Earth. Bismuth and Connie’s sword damaging the Diamond Warships that could hold their own against the Cluster), likely Universe level+ to possibly Multiverse level+ (Comparable to gems capable of shattering other gems, which a gem's gemstone functions as a pocket dimension. Amethyst in the comics that their gemstones are "kinda like a wallet but more infinite," and in the episode "A Single Pale Rose," we see Steven go into Pearl's gemstone and at various points there are visible celestial bodies like moons, stars and even the intergalactic corrupting light. Shattering a gem causes their consciousness to be fragmented across all the shards. This means that any time a gem is shattered their mind is fragmented into a finite number of pieces, and since any fraction of infinity is infinity, this means an infinite (And thus universe sized) portion of each dimension is destroyed in the process) with Gem Powers | Continent Level to Large Planet Level, possibly Large Star level, likely Universe level+ to possibly Multiverse level+ (Far stronger than before. Capable of fighting against Spinel, Bluebird Azurite, and Jasper), higher in Pink State and in Monster State (Has the pure gem of Pink Diamond, making him comparable to Yellow Diamond and Blue Diamond. His shouts can break the floor of White Diamond's warship. White Diamond treated as superior to Yellow Diamond and Blue Diamond, being also the one who commands the two. Diamonds are officially considered far stronger than any individual gem and are among the most powerful gems within the entire galaxy, to the extent where the idea of Diamond's getting "poofed" is considered laughable. Each Diamond generated 1/3 of the energy used to produce a beam that illuminated the sky, which yielded 2.8424798 MegaFoe. Stronger than his Pink State, he easily stomped Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Bismuth, Lapis, Peridot, Spinel, Yellow, Blue, and White Diamond as well as break free of Lapis's restraints, Peridot stated that he was stronger than the Cluster, who lives in the Earth's Core and was said to be able to grow much larger than the Earth when it fully emerged, assuming two ends using the volume of Neptune and Uranus, the kinetic energy would add up to 11.9428882 TenaKilotons of TNT. Monster Steven was able to revert the Cluster to its gem state with just one attack) | Universe level+ (Can scale to Uncle Grandpa, who shaved a massive portion of the universe off), High Multiverse level+ to possibly Complex Multiverse level (Uncle Grandpa sees his own show as a cartoon and can edit it in anyway he likes, the show possibly takes place in the 5th dimension as seen by the comic book. This entire universe/show which sees the comic book as fiction is simply an image for Uncle Grandpa. Uncle Grandpa who sees the show as an simple image is a cartoon character which Uncle Grandpa and can edit it in anyway he likes) | Low Multiverse Level (Allows time to be stable across numerous timelines. When Steven misused the tailsman, he accidentally created several timelines each with their own versions of Steven and presumably the rest of the Steven Universe cast. It's destruction caused the erasure of all timelines that were spawned from it, making only one timeline exist)


Subsonic (Appeared as purely a blur to Greg when seeing him) with FTL+ combat and reaction speed (Undoubtedly superior to Pearl, who could pilot the Roaming Eye, which flew from Earth to the asteroid belt in 16.25 seconds and dodge incoming asteroids from extremely close range), possibly Massively FTL+ (Jasper could catch Lapis, who flew from Earth to the Gem homeworld), Massively FTL+ Travel Speed in astral form (Could travel to Earth from Homeworld in seconds) | FTL+ to possibly Massively FTL+ (Faster than before), Massively FTL+ in Pink State (Is 14,035 times faster than before. This makes sense since he was so fast that Garnet and the other Crystal Gems could not perceive or react to him and she appeared in slow-motion to him. Was able to completely overwhelm and blitz Jasper with his speed. Can scale to the Diamond corruption attack that went from Homeworld to the Earth in 1.65 seconds, Homeworld is said to be in a different that was close to our galaxy), Faster as Monster Steven | Massively FTL+ to Immeasurable in episode Say Uncle (Can scale to Uncle Grandpa, who traveled the entire universe in a brief moment. Can move around the white void)

Lifting Strength[]

Class 5 (Can lift fully grown adults over his head easily. Carried musical equipment that was so heavy, it needed two grown men to carry. Could lift a large obsidian statue and acted as support for a large chunk of a stone pillar), Class 50 (Helped Rutile and Rhodonite push a rock that weighed 32412 kg), Class M (Lifted a massive Gem Injector while in a weakened state) | Class Z (Scaling from Yellow Diamond and Blue Diamond, who their power is greatly superior to Lapis Lazuli's, who could lift all of Earth's oceans and turned them into a tower with a cracked gem. Easily lifted a part of her ship)

Striking Strength[]

Wall Class, Large Island Class, Large Island Class, Country Class, Continent Class, Large Planet Class, possibly Large Star Class, likely Universal+ to possibly Multiversal+ with Gem Powers | Continent Class to Large Planet Class, possibly Large Star Class, likely Universal+ to possibly Multiversal+, higher in Pink State and in Monster State | Universal+, High Multiversal+ to possibly Complex Multiversal


Multi-City Block Level (Lived through the explosion in Pyramid Temple), up to Large Island Level with bubbles/shields (His shields can block point-blank shots from Period's Gem Warship. Used a bubble to protect himself and the other Crystal Gems when Peridot's ship re-entered the atmosphere, crashed and exploded), Country level, Continent Level, Large Planet Level, possibly Large Star level, likely Universe level+ to Multiverse level+ with Gem Powers | Continent Level to Large Planet Level, possibly Large Star level, likely Universe level+ to possibly Multiverse level+, higher in Pink State and in Monster State | Universe level+, High Multiverse level+ to possibly Complex Multiverse level


High, Limitless so long as his gem isn't damaged or destroyed


Standard melee range. Extended melee range with Rose's Sword. Tens of Meters with ranged abilities. Standard melee range, Planetary with ranged attacks


Rose's Sword, Shield

  • Optional: Rose's Sword, The Hourglass, Laser Light Cannon, Watermelon Stevens, Light Prism/White Light, Replicator Wand, Peridot's Escape Pod, Gem Shards, Cheeseburger Backpack, Hot Dog Duffel Bag


Above Average. Though never directly stated (Steven is shown to be extremely intelligent in his own right. He is a natural problem solver, as most of his early adventures relied on him using intelligence and creativity to get himself out of trouble without the use of his powers. He is also able to converse with the highly intelligent Connie on an equal footing since they first met. Despite him being naïve and socially oblivious, in the graphic novel "Too Cool for School", Pearl mentioned how Steven's education in the care of the gems was much greater than Earth's schools, and Steven was getting perfect marks on his tests. As of Future Steven underwent additional combat training under Jasper, teaching him a more offensive combat style to contrast his normally defensive style. However, when transformed into Monster Steven his intelligence is reduced at least to Below Average, likely Animalistic, as he is bestial and mostly incapable of logic/reason in this state.)


Doesn't have total control over over his powers, however, this doesn't seem to be such a problem at this point in the series, since Steven has learned how to control most of them and has been able to use them in combat. Can't poof like the other gems, and will die if his physical form takes too much damage, like any normal human. His physical body will be heavily weakened if his Gem is removed, however, his Gem can still return to him unless it is stopped by an outside force. In his Monster State, He acks more out of animal instinct.

Notable Attacks and Techniques[]

  • Projectile Shield: Steven, when in great excitement, can throw his shield as a projectile with great speed and power.
  • Shield Vibration: On certain occasions when Steven's shield is hit, it emits an audible vibration that disables magical constructs.
  • Dual Wielding: Steven is able to manifest more than one shield at a time.
  • Healing Spit: Steven's saliva has the power to heal the injuries of both humans and Gems, and even inanimate objects.
  • Watermelon Stevens: Using his healing saliva, Steven is able to grow sentient flora by licking plant seeds.
    • Resurrection: Like his mother, Steven possesses the ability to resurrect the dead with his magic tears. The recipient turns pink and gains special abilities, such as the ability to access to Lion's Dimension through their hair. Two known cases of this are Lion and Lars.
    • Mind Transfer: Steven is able to transfer his consciousness into another living being and take control over his body while his real body is asleep.
    • Popping: Steven can "pop" his bubble to knock surrounding enemies back.
    • Expand and Shrink: Steven can make his bubble get larger or smaller at will.
    • Long-Range Bubble: Steven can stretch a side of his bubble into a small tunnel that connects it to another bubble.
    • Spike Bubble: Steven can morph his bubble in such a way that sharp spikes appear along its surface.


Steven Universe - Steven Universe: the Movie | Steven Universe Future | Say Uncle Crossover | The Hourglass/Glass of Time


Note 1: In the episode "Adventures in Light Distortion," Pearl makes a claim that Gems cannot move faster than light or else their light construct bodies will be left behind. However, there are numerous instances of gems moving faster than light without adverse effects on their forms.

Note 2: Normally light calculations would not be reliable as they don't deal any damage. However, in the case of Steven Universe, light feats are indeed acceptable to use, which has been backed up by statements from Garnet, Amethyst, and Peridot.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
