Brief Summary
Striking Strength is the amount of physical force an individual can deal out. In other words, it is the physical Attack Potency of an individual. It may or may not depend on Lifting Strength.
Striking strength describes the power behind the character’s physical blows. Generally, anything that has to do with the character’s actions instead of passively holding up weights is about this category. While lifting strength is a static value which can be measured in units of weight or mass, striking strength is different. It relies more on “action” which is a combination of speed and mass. As such, striking strength requires a whole different system of operations to abide by.
The system, however, is very dependent on that of the Tiering System's—all the values being moved over here to go along with easier to understand value systematics. The plus system also works the same way as our Attack Potency does.
Striking Strength levels
Point Class
Line Class
Plane Class
Below Human Class
Human Class
Athlete Class
Street Class
Wall Class
Room Class/Small Building Class
Building Class
Large Building Class
City Block Class
Multi-City Block Class
Small Town Class
Town Class
Large Town Class
Small City Class
City Class
Large City Class/Mountain Class
Large Mountain Class/Small Island Class
Island Class
Large Island Class
Small Country Class
Country Class
Large Country Class/Small Continent Class
Continent Class
Large Continent Class/Multi-Continent Class
Moon Class
Small Planet Class
Planet Class
Large Planet Class
Dwarf Star Class
Small Star Class
Star Class
Large Star Class
Solar System Class
Multi-Solar System Class
High Universal
High Multiversal+
Low Complex Multiversal
Complex Multiversal
High Complex Multiversal
Low Hyperversal
High Hyperversal
High Outerversal