Stu Macher was the first killer who was an accomplice in the franchise.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 9-C, Higher with weapons
Name: Stuart "Stu" Macher
Origin: Scream
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Killcount:4 (Kenny Orth, Casey Becker, Tatum Riley and Steven Orth)
Height: 6'4
Weight: 174 Lbs
Classification: Serial Killer, Human, High School Student, Ghostface Killer
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Social Influencing (Deception - Conviced Sidney that Billy was innocent. Had managed to hide his true nature)
- Slight Resistance to Pain (After being stabbed multiple times by Billy, he still manages to fight Sidney.)
- Limited Sound Manipulation (Via Voice Changer)
- Stealth Mastery (Sneaked inside and out of a garage unnoticed.)
- Weapon Mastery (Knows how to disembowel people, and used his knife effectively while attacking.)
Attack Potency: Street Level (Wrestled with Sidney Prescott while injured. Disembowled Steven Orth and Casey Becker. Forced a door open(191,3154131-495,5535822 J) and broke its latch (64,575-167,265 J) simultaneously, which would be (255,8904131-662,8185822 J) on total. Threw a chair through a two-panel of glass patio door (1236,93-2365,16 J), along with spliting a part of a door frame (301,7987227 J), which would yield (1537,93-2666,9587227 J) at total. Casually crashed through a window in order to tackle Casey to the ground (673,72 J). Incapacitated Dewey Riley by stabbing him in his back, which severed a nerve and caused him to have a limp.), Higher with weapons (Knifes throughout the franchise had sliced people open, shoved through skulls and doors, and used to kill and one-shot multiples peoples, with fire arms, not being too different, with a Berreta M9 going up to (617 J).)
Speed: Peak Human+ travel speed (Keep up with and catch up to Sidney Prescott. Ran across a patio unnoticed by Casey after killing Steven Orth. Catch up to Casey Becker, who was running away in fear. Had got under stairs before Sidney Prescott could do so, even though it's likely he used a shortcut to do so. Disappeared from the van he was in, and changed his clothes before Sidney Prescott could notice.), with Superhuman+ Combat And Reaction speed (Could trade blows with Sidney Prescott and could tackle the same before she could react. Could slit Kenny Brown's throat before he could react.) up to Supersonic attack speed via Berreta M9 (A Berretta M9 can shot in a velocity of (381 M/S).)
Lifting Strength: Atheltic Level (Lifted Kenny (250 Lbs) to place him on top of an van. Overpowered and restrained Sidney Prescott while weakend. Dragged Casey Becker (147 Lbs) and hanged her on an tree. Overpowered and choked Casey Becker, even thought she still could break free of his grip via kicking him. Tatum struggled to break free of his grip. Casually lifts Tatum (116 Lbs) with one arm (116 * 2 = 232 Lbs).)
Striking Strength: Street Level (Knocked Sidney Prescott aside with a punch when weakened. Had let Sidney Prescott dizzy with a headbutt. Punched through glass and then smashed the window with a headbutt (673,72 J). Had casually knocked down Sidney Prescott while fighting with her.)
Durability: Street Level (Had his arm bitten by Sidney Prescott who broke a glass jar (297,098056-535,3344919 J) into his head, and could knock him back with a kick. Had a wooden door slammed against him. Took blows from Casey Becker. Had multiple glass bottles thrown at him (288,7029212-567,7957482 J). Had a freezer door slammed against him.)
Stamina: Peak Human (Was visually bleeding out after being stabbed multiple times by Billy Loomis, with blood pouring out of his hand, yet could fight Sidney Prescott like nothing happend. Endured having a tv dropped on his head for multiples seconds before actually die.)
Range: Standard Meele Range
Standard Equipment: Buck 120, Berreta 92FS
Intelligence: Above Average (He implies that he planned the third act. Had managed to hide his true nature. Realized that an camera was placed under the tv, something that the others teenagers failed to do so. Like to use his enviroments to kill person, like he did so with Tatum Riley. Had previously taken the key of a police car, in order of Sidney not being able to use the vehicle to escape.)
Weaknesses: Showns to be pretty immature and clumsy.
Notable Matchups[]
- Victories:
- Losses:
- Inconclusive: