Subscribe for a Cookie (Aka. Sub4Cookie) is a contestant in a game show named Battle for Mr. Beast, where personified Mr. Beast channel-related contestants compete for 500,000,000,000,000,000 real dollars.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 4-C
Name: Subscribe for a Cookie
Origin: Battle for Mr. Beast
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Fourth Wall Awareness, Toon Force, Regeneration, Creation, Possible Longevity
Attack Potency: Star Level (Was able to create a mass of cookies larger than the sun)
Speed: At least Athletic Human (Should be comparable to Sub Count)
Lifting Strength: Stellar
Striking Strength: Star Class
Durability: Star Level (Durability should scale to AP)
Stamina: WIP
Range: Below Standard Melee Range physically, Planetary via Creation
Standard Equipment: Cookies
Intelligence: Likely at least Average
Weaknesses: None notable