Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Sumiya melts a dam

In chapter 30 of the Blazer Drive manga, Sumiya uses a technique that melt part of a dam during his fight with Kuroki.

Using the average male height = 1.7 meters

kuroki= 15 pixels = 1.75 m = 175 cm

height= 96 pixels =  11.2 m = 1120 cm

diameter = 300 px = 35 m = 3500 cm

dividing by 2 gives us a radius of 1750 cm

Next we use the formula for Volume of the cylinder= pi *r^2 *h

3.14 * 1750^2 * 1120

3.14 * 3062500 * 1120 = 10770200000 cm ^3

Vaporization: 10770200000 * 25700 = 276794140000000 Joules or 66155.38718929254 tons of TNT or 66.155387189 Kilotons

since this is volume of a half cylinder we will do that

Final Tally: 33.0776935945 kilotons (Town Level)

Scales to the higher tiers of the verse
