“ | But I need being Clark-- I need a private life just like anyone! In the past, I've tried assuming other identities-- But it just didn't work! Clark Kent is as much a part of who I am as Kal-El of Krypton is! Ma and Pa Kent... The way they raised me... My boyhood in Smallville-- They made me what I am-- And I'd sooner die than give it up! | „ |
~ Superman |
Superman, also known as the Man of Steel, is one of the most powerful superheroes in the DC Universe. Born as Kal-El on the dying planet Krypton, his parents Jor-El and Lara sent him in a rocket to the planet Earth where he would be the last surviving member of his race.
His rocket was discovered by the kindly Jonathan and Martha Kent, who raised him as their son Clark Kent in the town of Smallville, Kansas. In his secret identity he works as a reporter at the Daily Planet in the city of Metropolis.
Tier: At least Low 2-C, possibly 2-C | At least Low 2-C, possibly 2-C | 2-A
Name: Kal-El, Superman (Commonly called Earth-1 Superman/Pre-Crisis Superman/Silver Age Superman)
Origin: DC Comics
Gender: Male
Age: Likely 35-40
Classification: Kryptonian, Superhero
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Flight, Martial Arts (Was trained by Muhammad Ali for 2 weeks in boxing and eventually fought with him, easily beat 3 men with equivalent powers to him by using boxing and and judo, stomped 3 people without his powers), Stealth Mastery (Can disguise himself), Enhanced Senses (The range of his telescopic vision is unlimited, has X-Ray Vision, can view the smallest traces of perspiration left on a phone can hear Ultra-Sound, can see infra-red), Extrasensory Perception, Spin Attack, Absorption (Was able to absorb magical energy to recharge himself, absorbed a billion volts of electricity, absorbed electricity to super charge his Super-Vision, absorbed the Legion Of Superheroes' powers after his was taken away, absorbs yellow sun light constantly and will continue to get stronger because of it), Acrobatics (When he lost his powers he was still able to maneuver in the air and use a trapeze), Shapeshifting (Made himself look like an alien), Regeneration (High-Godly), Abstract Existence, Immortality (Types 1, 2 , 3, 5, 8; Action Comics #385-387 show that Superman will live til time curves in on itself, Superman came back after being erased from history and the concept of heroism erased. Even when he was gone two kids still remembered the idea of Superman), Non-Physical Interaction (Can interact with energy), Fate Manipulation via the Story of Superman, Sealing (Sealed Maaldor's Universe), Heat Manipulation via Heat Vision (With Super-Friction Superman can super heat objects and squeeze metals into liquid, can stir sand into molten glass), Can squeeze water out of a rock, Passive Statistics Amplification (Superman's powers can increase dramatically over time), Electricity Manipulation (By absorbing positive electricity he can shoot electricity out of his eyes, can clap lightning out of his hands, can create lightning), Air Manipulation via Super-Breath and Super-Sneeze (Was able to Super-Compress clouds, was able to untwist a tornado, can steal enough oxygen from a room to make two people faint), Ice Manipulation (Using his super-breath he can freeze people, his breath has been described as colder than space, blew out the sun), Pressure Point Strikes (As seen here), Energy Manipulation, Limited Smoke and Fire Manipulation (Can inhale smoke and breathe it out as fire, breathed in the Eternal Flame and exhaled it out), Technopathy (Controlled one of his robots with his X-Ray Vision), Mathematics Manipulation (Can use his infamous Super-Mathematics), Plot Manipulation and History Manipulation (Is comparable to Superboy-Prime who can perform the Retcon Punch), Information Analysis, Telepathy (Told an alien what to do, did this to Mr. Mxy), Body Control (Can control his heartbeat to the point of stopping it or speeding it up, can completely stop his metabolism), Sound Manipulation (Can project his voice with Super-Ventriloquism, his singing voice can shatter diamonds, can use Super-Ventriloquism even without opening his mouth, can imitate others' voices), Self-Sustenance (Types 1, 2, and 3), Analytical Prediction (Used his X-Ray vision to predict an opponents attack), Precognition and Clairvoyance (With X-Ray vision he saw the future), Perception Manipulation (Makes people see the image of Clark that he wants), Seemingly Ability Creation (Can seemingly create new powers as he sees fit), Intangibility (As Superboy he was capable of phasing inside a ball), Deconstruction (disassembled a battleship), Conceptual Manipulation, Matter Manipulation (Created a Super-Steel from Iron, rearranged graphite, changed the shape of a diamond to that of a knife, turned diamond to coal), Transmutation (Turned diamond to coal and can turn coal into diamonds), Physics Manipulation (As seen here, can distort light waves with Super-Friction, can make items defy physics), Vibration Manipulation, Duplication (Can create a miniature duplicate of himself anywhere with all his powers, although this takes his powers from him), Time Travel and Dimensional Travel via his speed (As seen in the Speed Section), BFR (On multiple occasions he has sent people through time), Breaking the Fourth Wall (As seen here he directly talked to the reader), Memory Manipulation (Cured a man's amnesia, erased Lois' memories with Super-Kiss), Mind Manipulation (His Super-Hypnosis and Super-Ventriloquism caused a man to forget Superman's identity, as Superboy, he made a shapeshifter turn into a parrot, then a fish), Resistance to Deconstruction (The star rays that can turn anyone into a state where if they touch sunlight they'll be disintegrated, don't affect him), Time Manipulation (His numerous trips through time have resulted in this), Existence Erasure and possibly Soul Manipulation (As seen here in Phantom Zone #4), Mind Manipulation (As seen here), Disease Manipulation (Is normally immune to diseases), Transmutation (Unaffected by being eaten by a monster that turns what it eats into itself, unaffected by meteor that turned Batman into diamond), Electricity Manipulation (Completely unaffected by 10 billion volts of electricity), Radiation Manipulation (As Superboy he tanked radiation that could kill a human from a mile away that would last for 1000 years, unaffected by radiation that felled Wonder Woman, radioactive fallout in the atmosphere can't affect him, an atomic reactor doesn't bother him, commonly flies in space), Intangibility (Resisted Flash's phasing), Gas Manipulation (Chlorine Gas doesn't affect him, gas that would wreak havoc on Earth doe nothing to him), Acid Manipulation (Referred to acid that could kill anyone as a mild mouthwash), Cold Manipulation (Not affected by Sub-Zero temperatures constantly goes into the vacuum of space), Heat Manipulation, Paralysis Inducement (Quickly recovered from paralysis, even after inhaling Kryptonite Gas), Psychic Power (Faora's Psychic Power failed to affect him), Physics Manipulation (Can make items defy physics), Sound Manipulation (A Sonic Vibrator didn't work on him), Illusion Creation (Can see through illusions), Higher-Dimensional Manipulation
At least Universe level+ (Burst through the bounds of infinity, destroyed a structure that was surviving the Big Bang, ripped through the fabric of spacetime, no sold Green Lantern's attacks, tanked 1000 punches from Flash), possibly Low Multiversal level (Comparable to other Pre-Crisis Kryptonians such as Supergirl and Superboy-Prime. Repeatedly manage to harm Maaldor the Darklord, who turned himself into an entire universe upon becoming mad and in a later story he defeat him in his abstract form. Pushed himself toward the center of the big bang and destroyed a structure that was withstanding it. Comparable to the original Captain Marvel, who defeated the Invincible Man) | Universal level+, possibly Low Multiversal level (Same as before, was stated he didn't lose any power) | Multiverse level+ (The universe that emerged after Maaldor's defeat, threatened multiples universes, and was said to be able to destroy all of existence, his fight with Jaxon was able to restore all possible timelines, which is infinite)
Massively FTL+ (He could cross the universe in seconds, and the multiverse in minutes, tied in a running race across the galaxy against the Flash, and flew to a long dead universe in seconds to safely sneeze), Immeasurable (Has traveled through time on many occasions, even as a boy. Is equal to his Golden Age counterpart, who has done the same. A race between him and the Flash was left indeterminate, although Batman says Superman won. Flew to another universe to sneeze and has done it on another occasion) | Massively FTL+, Immeasurable | Massively FTL+, Immeasurable
At least Multi-Stellar (Could easily move large stars with his breath alone), possibly higher (Withstood the gravity of several heavy galaxies), possibly Immeasurable (Relative to Superboy-Prime who forced open a part of Monarch's suit)
At least Universal+, possibly Low Multiversal | At least Universal+, possibly Low Multiversal | Multiversal+
At least Universe level+ (Was surviving the Big Bang, commonly fights people with comparable strength to himself, can survive the force for his own blows), possibly Low Multiverse level (Fought with Golden Age Superman) | At least Universe level+, possibly Low Multiverse level | Multiverse level+ (Can tank hits from Maaldor and Jaxon)
Incredibly High, but he has been shown to tire when fighting comparable opponents
Interstellar, far higher with abilities
Supergenius (Built a ring that extends a minute to an hour, memorized the layout of an entire complex in a limited amount of time, knows how to kill Amnesia, built robots in the Fortress Of Solitude, could predict and adapt to an opponent's attack using X-Ray Vision. Beat an extremely advanced chess robot that he built himself in momnents, found a flaw in a complex mathematical equation, caught a two criminals using his deduction skills alone, even without his powers he found a way to fly, memorized the fingerprints section from the FBI, built a machine that gives people Kryptonian powers, can remember things from when he was a child even to the point of remaking the planet down to its slightest detail)
Superman is subject to Kryptonite, magic, red sunlight, and he cannot see through lead
- Martial Arts: Superman is skilled boxing and judo, shown as he easily defeat 3 opponents with strength equal to his own. He was trained by Muhammad Ali for over 2 weeks in boxing and could copy his fighting style, though he lost their match.
- Heat Vision: Fired a beam of heat hotter than the sun from his own eyes which is capable of starting up stars, and even sealing holes within reality.
- Super Breath: Could move stars and planets with it.
- Ice Breath: Could freeze planets and stars alike.
Base, 1st Interpretation | 100,000 years old | Base, 2nd Interpretation
Note 1: Some info came from GojiBoyForever
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: