Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Hey, wanna see what happens to traitors? They. Get. Crushed.
~ Susie

Summary SU[]

Susie is a main protagonist of Deltarune. She's an aggressive, socially withdrawn monster and a classmate of Kris.

She joins Kris on what was supposed to be a quick trip to the supply closet to fetch chalk, but instead fell through a portal into the Dark World. Here, she gained new power and was deemed to be a legendary hero of light foretold in legend. Though she was against the idea at first, even going as far as befriending the enemy in the form of Lancer, she came around and accepted her destiny.


Tier: 9-B, 7-B to likely 4-A to High 3-A with Creation | 8-C, likely 7-B to possibly 4-A to High 3-A | 8-C, likely 7-B to possibly 4-A to High 3-A

Name: Susie

Origin: Deltarune

Gender: Female

Age: At least 16 - 18 years old (Is a high school student going into college soon)

Classification: Monster, Lightner, Hero, Mean Girl


Notable Powers SU Text[]

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Creation, Reality Warping and Darkness Manipulation (As a Lightner, Susie can open Dark Fountains in the Light World with a sharp object and with enough Determination, turning the affected area into a Dark World), Limited Portal Creation (As a side effect of making a Dark Fountain, a portal to the Dark World is created), Resistance to Blood Manipulation (Monsters were stated to not have blood)

All previous abilities, plus: Improved Superhuman Physical Characteristics, SOUL Manipulation (Can attack Kris's SOUL directly with her magic), Magic (In the Dark World, Susie gains the ability to use magic), Darkness Manipulation and Energy Projection (Deals damage using dark energy. Can manifest "rude energy" into Rude Buster), Weapon Creation and Weapon Mastery (Can summon her ax), Limited Sleep Manipulation (With Hypnosis. Can lull Jevil to sleep by "spinning something around"), Can strike targets with melee attacks even if they're far away, Can gather TP (Tension Points) to fuel her abilities, Healing (By using various food items), Resistance to SOUL Manipulation (Can take SOUL attacks as physical ones)

All previous abilities to a greater extent, plus: Limited Healing (With UltimateHeal), Dimensional Storage (Can quickly change into a doctor's outfit), Accelerated Development (Grows stronger after every opponent she defeats through violence), Power Bestowal (Can boost Kris's Yellow Mode with her Supercharge), Acrobatics (Can perform advanced acrobatics), Resistance to Cold (Less vulnerable to ice attacks than Berdly)

Physical Stats SU Text

Attack Potency[]

Wall level (Susie is a 2.05-meter-tall monster. Stronger than Kris and threatened to kill them), City level to likely Multi-Solar System level to High Universe level with Creation (Any lightner is implied to be able to create a Dark Fountain through their will/determination. Cyber World, a Dark World, which has been shown to contain cities and starry skies. Dark Fountains create Dark Worlds Dark Fountains pierce endlessly into the sky, meaning they are endless, too. For the Fountains to rise endlessly into the sky, the sky would have to be endless, too, meaning that Dark Worlds are infinite in size) | Building Level, likely City level to possibly Multi-Solar System level to High Universe level (Can harm Ralsei, who survived getting smashed away by a full-speed explosion-causing bike crash. Can scale to those who can harm her) | Building Level (Stronger than before), likely City level to possibly Multi-Solar System level to High Universe level (Can fight Spamton NEO, who created an entire underground city in his boss fight, and proceeded to remove it entirely. All lightners were said to be capable of creating dark fountains, with Berdly himself about to make one at the end of chapter 2 before Ralsei stops him)


Peak Human with Superhuman combat speed (Comparable to Kris) | Transonic to Supersonic (Can keep up with Lancer’s motorcycle. Blocked sound waves before they hit Lancer. Is able to keep up with Jevil) | Supersonic (Managed to dodge sound waves), FTL Reaction/Combat speed (Can dodge numerous lasers from Queen and the thrash machine, the former of which travel in straight lines, are referred to as lasers and don't explode on impact, and the latter of which are heavily implied to be light speed, as the laser head allows the Thrash Machine to enter "laser mode," in which it emits a "light quick aura" during the fight with Giga Queen, Kris is also capable of piloting the thrash machine in laser mode along with Susie and Ralsei and dodging Giga Queen's lasers, comparable to Berdly, who told Queen to “wait one nanosecond” and while it’s very possible this could have simply been hyperbole, the cast’s consistent laser dodging/light timing feats show that this level of reaction time would be very consistent, as nanosecond reaction time falls within the FTL range)

Lifting Strength[]

Class 5 (Lifted Kris with one arm, and threatened to tear off their face) | Class K (Is able to swing her large ax with one hand, which Ralsei stated was too heavy for him. Stronger than Kris, who can tear off a prison shackle) | At least Class K (Stronger than before. Helped Kris use controls they weren't strong enough to use by themselves)

Striking Strength[]

Wall Class, City Class to likely Multi-Solar System Class to High Universal with Creation | Building Class, likely City Class to possibly Multi-Solar System Class to High Universal | Building Class, likely City Class to possibly Multi-Solar System Class to High Universal


Wall level | Building Level, likely City level to possibly Multi-Solar System level to High Universe level (Survived a fall from the school floor to the Darkner World. Can take hits from Jevil) | Building Level (Is as durable as Kris and Ralsei, who tanked the destruction of the Thrash Machine with only minuscule damage), likely City level to possibly Multi-Solar System level to High Universe level (Can take attacks from Spamton NEO)


Unknown | High (Wasn't tired while fighting Chaos King to the point he was out of breath)


Extended Melee Range with axe, higher with attacks (Can swing their sword and still attack people from far away distances)


  • Bandage: Also acts as armor, recovers 1 HP.
  • Choco Diamond: Recovers 80 HP.
  • Clubs Sandwich: Recovers 30 HP.
  • Dark Candy: Recovers 40 HP.
  • Darkburger: Recovers 70 HP.
  • Hearts Donut: Recovers 20 HP in the overworld and 10 HP in battle.
  • Lancer Cookie: Recovers 5 HP in the overworld and 50 HP in battle.
  • Revive Mint: Heals a fallen ally to MAX HP. A minty green crystal.
  • RouxlsRoux: Recovers 50 HP in the overworld and 60 HP in battle.
  • Spin Cake: Spin Cake is a secret item that can be obtained by bringing the repaired Top Cake to Top Chef. It is only half as effective as the Top Cake, but it can be replenished infinitely by Top Chef should it be consumed or dropped. It restores 80HP to every party member.
  • Top Cake: The Top Cake is an item that can be obtained from the smith Malius when asked to fix the Broken Cake. The Top Cake restores 160HP to every party member, making it the best healing item available.
  • CD Bagel: Recovers 80 HP.
  • Revive Dust: heals all downed allies to 25% HP.
  • S.POISON: Removes 20 HP in the overworld and slowly drains 60 HP in battle.
  • Spaghetti Code: Recovers 30 HP.
  • Butler Juice: Recovers 100 HP.
  • Tension Bit: Increases Kris's TP by 32%.
  • Tension Gem: Increases Kris's TP by 50%.
  • Tension Max: Increases Kris's TP by 100%.
  • Kris/Susie/Ralsie/Noelle Tea: The tea is a consumable item that comes in a unique flavor for each party member, and has various healing amounts and party responses depending on which tea is given to whom, seen here.
  • Light Candy: Noelle gives the Light Candy to Susie, if Kris spoke to Noelle about Susie in the Chapter 1 epilogue. Recovers 120 HP.


  • Mane Ax: The Mane Ax is Susie's default weapon. It gives unknown AT.
  • Brave Ax: Brave Ax is a weapon that can be bought from Rouxls Kaard's shop. It can only be equipped by Susie and it gives +2 AT and the Guts effect.
  • Devilsknife: The Devilsknife is a weapon obtained after defeating Jevil through fighting. The Devilsknife can only be equipped by Susie and it gives +5 AT, +4 Magic and reduces Rude Buster's TP cost by 10.
  • Auto Axe: Auto Axe is an item that can be bought from Sweet Cap'n Cakes's shop. It can only be equipped by Susie and it gives +4 AT and BadIdea.


  • Amber Card: Amber Card is an armor item bought in the Dark World. It can be purchased from both Seam's and Rouxls Kaard's respective shops. It gives +1 DF.
  • Bandage: The Bandage is the default armor of Kris in Hometown.
  • Dice Brace: The Dice Brace is an armor item found in the Forest. It gives +2 DF.
  • Iron Shackle: The Iron Shackle is an armor item located in Card Castle. It gives +1 AT and +2 DF.
  • Jevilstail: Jevilstail gives +2 AT, DF and Magic.
  • White Ribbon: The White Ribbon is the first piece of armor the party can equip. It gives +2 DF and Cuteness. It is found in the Field, within the Maze of Death.
  • Chain Mail: The Chain Mail is an armor item that can be found in a chest on the first floor of the Mansion, in the room where the Hacker is first encountered. It give + 3 DF.
  • Pink Ribbon:The Pink Ribbon is an armor item that can be found in Cyber City, after the First Alleyway, in a secret room accessible in the bottom left of the shop/advertising area. It gives +1 DF and the effect "GrazeArea".
  • Royal Pin: The Royal Pin is an armor item that can be bought from Swatch in the Mansion. It gives +3 DF and +1 Magic.
  • Glow Wrist: The Glow Wrist is an armor item found in several Cyber Field chests. It gives +2 DF.
  • Dealmaker: The Dealmaker is an armor item obtained after defeating Spamton NEO through ACTing. It gives +5DF and +5 Magic along with the ability to increase the Dark Dollars gained from any encounter by 30%.

  • Bouquet: Nice flowers.
  • Glowshard: The Glowshard is an item found hidden inside a hole in ??????. If checked in the inventory, it states its use is unknown. The Glowshard can be used in battle to immediately allow for a Rudinn to be spared. It disappears in the process.

  • Intelligence[]

    Academically Average, Above Average in Combat Skills and Magic (Despite not having conventional knowledge in school subjects, Susie has demonstrated remarkable combat skills, being able to battle powerful and experienced opponents, as well as dodge their attacks no matter how unpredictable they were. She has also demonstrated great deductive ability, being able to solve a puzzle by thinking outside the box and using established rules from previous experiences. Although limited, her ability to solve puzzles is not non-existent, as she was able to solve one while escaping from prison without Kris's help. She seems to have above-average learning ability, being able to learn a healing magic outside of what she was accustomed to in a relatively short time, although she still doesn't have complete mastery over it)


    Often refuses to do anything except mindlessly hammering the enemy. Refuses to follow orders. These weaknesses were mitigated after chapter 1. All monsters are weak to an attack with killing intent behind it and if a monster doesn't want to fight, they are weakened greatly. Though due to her natural bloodlust this doesn't affect her as much.

    Notable Attacks and Techniques[]

    • Rude Buster: Susie fires off a large wave of "Rude Energy" (also referred to as darkness energy) towards her opponent, dealing more damage than her typical melee attacks.
    • Red Buster: An upgraded Rude Buster. Only available after Kris shines their SOUL's light onto Susie.
    • Hypnosis: Susie spins something around, likely a pendulum, to lull an enemy to sleep.
    • UltimateHeal: Susie projects a magic attack that slightly heals her ally.
    • Supercharge: Susie can boost Kris's SOUL charge.


    Light World | Dark World - Chapter 1 | Dark World - Chapter 2


    Note 1: It's revealed as of Chapter 2 that the Dark World grants people new powers and abilities, thus they do not translate over to the real world.

    Note 2: Despite Kris seemingly making a dark world, due to lack of context and information it has been left as potentially far higher until we get more information on what they exactly did.


    Notable Victories:

    Notable Losses:

    Inconclusive Matches:
