Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Tanjiro Kamado


Tanjiro Kamado was a young boy who had his family were killed by a demon and his sister was turned into a demon. With no other choice, Tanjiro to become a demon slayer to avenge his family and to protect his sister.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 8-B

Name: Tanjiro Kamado

Origin: Death Battle (Demon Slayer)

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Classification: Demon Slayer

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Regeneration (Low), Healing, Statistics Amplification, Weapon Mastery, Water Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Enhanced Senses (Has X-Ray Vision with See-Through World, Has an enhanced of smell), Analytical Prediction, Limited Resistance to Poison Manipulation

Attack Potency: City Block Level (Scales to Doma who created a large ice sculpture which requires 40.11 tons of TNT)

Speed: Massively Hypersonic+ (Can dodge lightning)

Lifting Strength: Superhuman

Striking Strength: City Block Level

Durability: City Block Level

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Standard melee range to Several metres

Standard Equipment: Katanna

Intelligence: Gifted

Weaknesses: Overusing his Breathing techniques can weaken him

Note: This profile is based on what is in Death Battles video, any information displayed on any profile based on Death Battle are solely based on whatever is said in their videos and not my own opinion. So if a character is weaker or stronger on a profile than they actually are then it isn't my fault.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
