Team Sonic, also known as the United Village Defenders of the Village, are the main protagonists of the Sonic Boom series. They are a group of heroes who protect the tropical island of Seaside Island from all manners of dangers, including the ever-present threat of Dr. Eggman and his robot legions, while still living regular lives. Along the way, the group has also stood up against threats ranging from harmless annoyances to dangers posing a threat to the entire world. Though they bicker from time to time and have their differences, the team always sticks together, both as friends and as a family.
Power And Stats[]
Tier: 5-B, To 2-C, In Their Peak High 1-B | Low 1-A | Low 1-A
Keys: Team Sonic Boom | Team Sonic Boom (Archie Comics) | Composite
Origin: Sonic Boom | Archie Comics
Gender:Sonic (Male), Tails (Male), Knuckles (Male), Amy (Female), Sticks (Female)
Age:Sonic (16, Possibly Higher), Tails (8, Possibly Higher), Amy (16), Knuckles (16, Possibly Higher), Sticks (16)
Classification:Sonic (Anthropormofic Hedgehog), Tails (Fox), Knuckles (Echidna), Amy (Anthropormofic Hedgehog), Sticks (Badger)
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Acrobatics (Hypermobility, Self-Momentum; Like his canon counterpart, Sonic has shown great agility, dexterity, and fast-paced coordination. He is able to dash through many different[1] terrains and obstacles with little difficulty. Sonic is also capable of double jumping and flipping in midair)
- Free Movement (Water Walking; Sonic frequently runs across water[2] to reach Eggman's base)
- Surface Scaling (Sonic Can utilize his speed to run in the walls)
- Fourth Wall Breaking and Limited Text Manipulation (Directly addressed that he was in the first issue of a comic book[3], read through the comic book he was currently in[4]. talks directly to the reader [4], comments on the episodes writing[5], has spoken directly to the audience[6]. Attempted grab onto a narration box[7])
- Dimensional Storage (Can hold hundreds of Rings and Robot Scrap as well as large Chaos Crystals in hammerspace)
- Expert Hand-to-hand combat (Sonic is a skilled fight capable of performing multihit combos on foes[8]. His fighting style relies on his footwork styles along with fast-strike tactics and quick maneuvers)
- Weapon Mastery (Capable of welding various weapons, can proficiently use his Enerbeam as both a weapon and a tool for transversal[8])
- Vehicular Mastery (Capable of operating the Riptide, Angler[8], and the Blue Force one. Capable of skillfully driving a kart[7] Sonic is also a skilled hoverboard rider[9])
- Homing Attack (Via Homing Attack which allows Sonic to home onto and attack a nearby target[8][10])
- Aura (While Dashing Sonic is enveloped in aura allowing him to plow through various obstacles and foes unharmed[11])
- Limited Magnetism Manipulation (Via Dash Magnet which allows Sonic to attract nearby rings while dashing[11])
- Limited Shock Wave Generation (Sonic can generate shockwaves by slamming into the ground[8])
- Possibly, Limited Dream Manipulation (Sonic can Change His Dream To Escape From Mike[12])
- Electricity Manipulation And Energy Manipulation (Sonic Can Use his Speed to generate Eletrecity[13] and Sonic Can Energize Machines With His Spin-Dash[8])
- Limited Technology Manipulation (Sonic Can Use his Speed to generate Eletrecity and energize machines[13])
- Limited Perception Manipulation (Can slow down his view, making the things slow around him[14])
- Regeneration (Mid-Low, Fastily recovered After being shooted By Lyric Robots And without Much damage)
- Possibly Immortality (Type 1, If The Rise Of Lyric Pro Shattered Crystal Timeskip Is Really A Timeskip And They're 4,000 Years Old, Maybe They Can't Die Of Old Age)
- Bodily Weaponry (With his sharp spines, Sonic can pierce simple things, and causes mini pain to whoever who touches in His Spikes, like Eggman)
- Limited Forcefield Negation (With A Strong Attack, Sonic Can Break A Weak Shield)
- Limited Invulnerability Negation (With A Stomp, Sonic Can cancel Roller Shocker Eletrecity Aura)
- Possibly, Precognition (Reacted early, Shadow Teleporting Using His Chaos Control[15])
- Limited Levitation (After a homing attack, Sonic Can Stay Some seconds in the air[16])
- Fire Manipulation (He is able to knock sheep into a cage in sudan metal with his Spin Dash that generated so much heat that generated flames[12] and Runned So Fast that created Fire)
Resistance to
- Temporal Deceleration (Eggman's Slow Motion Machine, which slows everything down to a crawl, could only reduce his speed and mental processes to normal levels[17])
- Temperature Manipulation (Unaffected by the temperature of the Ice Age[8] and Kodiak Frontier's chilly climate[10])
- Fire Manipulation (Survived Being Burned By Knuckles When He Eated A Strong Pepper[18])
- Ice Manipulation (Sonic And His Team Can Resist The Ice attacks of Fridge Brute)
- Electricity Manipulation (Sonic And His Team, Can Resist Roller Shocker Eletrecity Aura)
- Energy Projection (Sonic And His Team resist Bomber Elite, Cliff Hanger, Gatling Elite, Rocko, Shocker, Slynko And Stinger Attacks, They Can Shoot Energy bombs and Energy waves, the Rockos can shoot Fire Energy Blasts, the Shockers Can Shoot green energy beams from their eye, The Stingers Can Shoot Lasers Beams)
- Sound Manipulation (Sonic was unaffected and could not hear the Annoying Noise when he ran, while Tails was Affected.[14])
All of Sonic's Abilities and Resistances, Except Some and One Resistance, Plus
- Flight (With His Two Tails)
- Genius Intelligence (Self-Explanatory, Considered The Smartest In The Village And Matchs With Eggman that have 300IQ)
- Hacking (Tails Can Hack Eggman´s Devices)
- Skilled pilot (Tails is a Skilled pilot, being able to outrun attacking Badniks)
- Explosion Manipulation (Using Bombs And Cluster Bomb)
- Technology Manipulation (Self Explanatory)
And as King of the Bee Bots, he has all of the above Abilites, plus
- Telepathy (Can communicate telepathically with hive members)
- Energy Projection (via spar-mounted twin-tail lasers)
All of Sonic's And Tails Abilities and Resistances, Except Some and One Resistance, Plus
- Enhanced Senses (Smell And Hearing)
- [Underground Mobility] ( can crawl under the ground)
- Surface Scaling (With His Fists)
All of The Rest Abilities and Resistances, Except Some and One Resistance, Plus
- Pseudo Flight (With the Triple jump)
- Transmutation (With Her Hammer, Which With Her Dash Turns Items Into Rings[11])
- Attack Reflection (With her Hammer, She Can nullify and reflect Lyric's robot attacks[8])
All of The Rest Abilities and Resistances, Except Some and One Resistance, Plus
- limited Telekinesis (can guide her boomerang after throwing it)
Resistence with
- Energy Projection (Via the Enerbeam which is a tether made of several energy bolts intertwined to form a solid whip[8][1][10][11])
- Greater Aura, Fire Manipulation, and Ice Manipulation (Fire/Ice Mode generates an aura of their respective element, freezing/burning anything that comes in contact with it[10])
- Forcefield Creation (Via Bubble Shield which grants Sonic and His team a one-hit Shield when out of rings[8] and via shield item capsules[10][11])
- Sound Manipulation (Via the Battle Trumpet which fires colorful musical notes at enemies to damage them[8])
- Air Manipulation (Via the Cyclone Blaster and Feather Blade which can create a powerful tornado to scatter enemies and a small gust of wind receptively[8])
- Explosion Inducement (With the Explosion Switch which when pressed creates a powerful explosion[8])
- Water Manipulation (Via Water Balloon which is capable of short-circuiting the robot enemies[8])
- Statistics Amplification (Via the Sparkle Sprite which doubles the users damage[11], Risk Taker Increases damage when the users rings are low[8])
- Stamina Recovery and limited Teleportation (Via Spark, Salt, and Shelly Sprites which "revive" the user by restoring their Stamina and teleporting them back to track if they fell off[11])
- Minor Light Manipulation (Via Luminous Suit which can provide them with light in otherwise light-deprived environments[20])
- Speed Augmentation, Afterimage Creation, and Dimensional Travel (Via Ultrasonic Speed Amplifier which boost Sonic And Tails speed and allows him to create afterimages. When pushed to the limit, the Ultrasonic Speed Amplifier makes one's molecules vibrate so fast that they are left out of phase with their plane of existence[21])
Sonic´s Mech Suit Abilities:
- Morality Manipulation (With The Symbiont Chip, that changed Sonic´s Personality)
- Flight (Can Fly withe Mech)
- Energy Manipulation (Manipulates Energy to Create To shoot Lazers And Other Things)
- Forcefield Creation (Uses the Energy to create a forcefield around him and the suit)
With Scuba Gear Suit
- Underwater Breathing (Type 3, they Can Breath Underwater, with That suit)
- Self-Sustenance (Type 1, Breath Underwater with oxygen Tank)
Sonic With Blue Force One
- Limited Adaptation (with His Blue Force One Motobike, Sonic can Adapt itself to pass/Run of certain Terrains)
With the Space-Suit
- Self-Sustenance (Type 1, the rest of the Team can survive in the space, like Knuckles did in Spacemageddonocalypse)
Tails with His Machines
- Limited Dimensional Manipulation (Via Build-it Box, Can Transform 2D things in 3D)
- Technopathy (Via Hypno-Bot, that can manilupate Robots and Machines)
- Self-Destruction (Via Buddy-Bot, that destroys himself to destroy machines)
- Energy Projection And Paralysis Inducement (Via Hyper Exo Manifier, this weapon shoots energy beams that paralysis the Enemy)
- Limited Mind Manipulation (Via "UT" Universal Translator, UT can access and read minds, but only can read their thoughts)
- Energy Projection, Fire Manipulation And Ice Manipulation (Via Tails´ Blaser, Tails' Blaster is capable of firing either thin and green or wide and yellow lasers with pin-point accuracy. These shots pack enough power to destroy hard steel, or blow up objects as large as Sticky Situation's head if fired continuously. It can also channel a person's Fire or Ice energies, allowing its shots to freeze or melt its targets.)
- Friendbot
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Large Size (Type 0, Likely Higher)
- Energy Projection (He Can Shoot Lazers)
- Explosion Manipulation (Covered in missile launchers, FriendBot can fire barrages of homing missiles powerful enough to blow up the Mega.)
- Chaos Crystals
- Disease Manipulation (the Power Of The Chaos Crystals Made Lyric Sick with a terminal illness, which not even the Ancients with their medication can resolve)
- Water Manipulation (Amy Stated the Power Of one Crystal manipulated/Moved the Water)
- Possibly Life Manipulation
- Possibly Flight (the Crystals flyed to Lyric after Sonic´s "Death"[8])
- Lost Crystal Power
- [Omnipotence] (The ancients stated that who got the Lost Crystal Power would be an Omnipotence)
- Riptide Boat
- Water Manipulation (Sonic´s Water Cannon)
- Ice Manipulation (Amy´s Ice Cannon)
- Energy Projection (Tails´s Mortar Shot Cannon)
Attack Potency: Planet Level, To Low Multiverse Level, In The Peak High Hyperversal Level (Knuckles Destroyed a Meteor that was Stated that was Going destroy the Earth, There is a timeline that is not part of the same space-time. and this timeline is separate, and that makes the Universe have two spatial temporal spaces, One in the Main Boom Universe and one in the other timeline. They Can Be Scaled To Eggman´s Machines That They Can Be Scaled To The Verse That Have Many Worlds Theory) | Low Outerverse Level (Sticks Can Defeat Enemies Of Worlds United From Archie Sonic, That possibly Be On Archie Sonic Level And Sonic And His Team Can Be Scaled By Sticks And Archie Sonic) | Low Outerverse Level
Speed: Immensurable (They Can dodge, intercept, and outpace meteors, lightning, and lasers beams. Sonic Outranned the pull of a black hole And Sonic Created A Sonic Boom, Sonic´s Speed Breaked The Time And Tails, Knuckles, Amy And Sticks Can Keep Up With Sonic), Massively FTL+ With Ultrasonic amplifer (Can Run So Fast That He Can Go To another plane of existence.) | Immensurable (Sticks Can keep Up With Archie Sonic And Sonic And His Team Can Be Scaled By Sticks And Archie Sonic) | Immensurable
Lifting Strength: Class M (They was able to yank down the Driller Worm, a massive mechanical worm) | At least Class M, Likely Higher | Immensurable
Striking Strength: Planet Class, To Low Multiverse Class, In The Peak High Hyperversal Class | Low Outerversal Class | Low Outerverse Class
Durability: Planet Level, To Low Multiverse Level, In The Peak High Hyperversal Level | Low Outerversal Level | Low Outerverse Level
Stamina: Very High, Inexhaustible To Sonic (They Can Fight And Run for a day straight In Sonic Boom Rise Of Lyric, Sonic Already Sayed That He Don´t Get Tired By Himself In It Wasn't Me, It Was the One-Armed Hedgehog)
Range: Standard Melee Range; Up to Hundreds of Meters with equipment; Planetary Via Fire & Ice Mode; Universal Via "UT" Universal Translator
Standard Equipment:
- Amy's Hammer
- Boomerang
- Buddy Bot
- Communicator
- Enerbeam
- High-tech wetsuits
- Hoverboard
- Luminous Suit
- Sea Fox
- Sonic's Mech Suit
- Tails' Plane
- Tornado
- Amy's ride
- Blue Force One
- Knuckles' monster truck
- Sonic Speedster
- Sticks' car
- Tails' vehicle
- Tailsmobile
- Riptide Boat
- Angler
Intelligence: Above Average To Extraordinary Genius, with Extraordinary Genius in Combat (Tails And Sticks are The Smartest Ones of The Team And the Team Is Very Strategic In Major Part Of The Time, Sticks Fighted Alongside the Street Fight Characters).
Weaknesses: Some Times They Have Lack of Intelligence
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Stomp: While in the air, Knuckles darts downward and impacts the ground with enough force to create a shock wave that damages enemies in its wake.
- Knuckle Slam: Knuckles jumps into the air, curls into a ball and slams straight downward with enough force to create a fiery shockwave that deals major damage to surrounding foes.
- Spin Attack: Sonic curls tightly into a concussive ball or cutting disk and rams the opponent at high speeds.
- Spin Dash: Sonic's trademark technique and a variant of the Spin Attack, which allows the users to blast forward with a revved-up a Spin Attack from a stationary position.
- Homing Attack: Targets an opponent or object from midair before launching straight into it with perfect aim, damaging it.
- Ground Pound: Sonic And His Team curls into a ball and darts straight downward to slam down on any target below him. When they impacts the ground, they generates a shockwave that damages any enemies in its wake.
- Sprint: Sonic And His Team accelerates to noticeably greater speeds than they would be able to achieve normally, leaving a trail Of They Respective Colors in his wake.
- Boost: Sonic And His Team envelops himself in a blue aura and blasts forward at high speed, plowing through and across any obstacles in his path.
- Air Dash: Sonic Can surrounds himself in a blue aura and darts a short distance through the air at incredible speed, damaging any enemies in his wake.
- Enerbeam: Sonic And His Team can emit a tether made of several energy bolts intertwined to form a solid whip from his wrist which can extend and contract when necessary. As a tool, the Enerbeam can latch onto targets to pull them in, lasso enemies, or let Sonic swing from point to point. Alternatively, it can be used as a make-shift rope. This makes the Enerbeam a versatile tool for both navigation and combat.
- Fire Mode: Sonic And His Team can cloak himself in a superheated fire-like aura. When in affect, anything he comes in contact with is faced with the brunt of the immense heat of his fiery aura. They flames are capable of instantly melting large blocks of ice.
- Ice Mode: Sonic And His Team can cloak himself in a breezing blue aura. When in affect, anything he comes in contact with is then frozen solid. Frozen enemies become so brittle that their bodies shatter seconds after being frozen. they´s cold is capable of instantly freezing large blocks of water into ice.
- Blaster: Tails is equipped with a grey, rifle-like weapon. Tails' Blaster is capable of firing either thin and green or wide and yellow lasers with pin-point accuracy, capable of obliterating basic Badniks. It can also channel Tails' Fire or Ice energies, allowing its shots to freeze or burn its targets.
- Cluster Bomb: Tails grabs a round handheld bomb and throws it at enemies from midair. Once the bomb impacts the target, it both deals damage and splits into four smaller red bombs that shatter around the nearby vicinity, ensuring additional damage to the surroundings.
- Bomb: Tails grabs a round handheld bomb and throws it. If it hits an enemy, the bomb will stick onto the enemy and start beeping, before exploding shortly after. Unlike Sticks' boomerang, this weapon is thrown at the enemy and not ahead or above, but it still deals the same amount of damage.
- Triple Jump: After jumping into the air, Amy is able to do two additional jumps without setting off from a solid surface.
- Spin Hammer Attack: Amy twirls around with her hammer outstretched at high speeds, akin to a spinning top. Amy can move around as she spins, allowing her to damage any enemies that enter her attack radius. In addition to dealing damage, the Spin Hammer Attack can block enemy projectiles, causing the projectiles to harmlessly explode when entering her attack radius.
- Transform Terrain: Amy strikes the ground in front of her with enough force to cause tremors that shift the terrain. With Fire/Ice Mode active, this technique releases a shockwave of fire/ice.
- Ring Hammer: A technique only active while Amy is using Dash. When in use, Amy swings her hammer around and uses it to turn any enemies and obstacles that she may collide with into Rings upon impact. Once she stops using Dash, Ring Hammer ceases as well.
- Guided Boomerang: Sticks charges up her Boomerang before throwing it. She is then somehow able to manually control it to steer it in any direction, preventing enemies from dodging her assault.
- Speeding Swing Surprise (Sonic And Tails): a Technique Where Tails flies towards an enemy in his plane while Sonic jumps towards him. Tails then lets his Enerbeam out over his plane for Sonic to grab onto while Tails circles around the enemy. As he nears the enemy, Sonic swings into it with a powerful kick, using the momentum to increase the force of impact. This attack is strong enough to send Burnbot flying a great distance. However, to perform it properly, the participants have to be synchronized.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal
- ↑ Sleeping Giant
- ↑ Archie Sonic Boom Issue 1
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Archie Sonic Boom Issue 11
- ↑ Inn Sanity
- ↑ Nutwork
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 Archie Sonic Boom Issue 7
- ↑ 8.00 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 8.15 Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric
- ↑ Guilt Tripping
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 Sonic Dash 2: Sonic Boom
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 Just a Guy
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 Doomsday Device
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 Sole Power
- ↑ Eggman: The Video Game Part 2: The End of the World
- ↑ It Wasn't Me, It Was the One-Armed Hedgehog
- ↑ New Year's Retribution
- ↑ Chili Dog Day Afternoon
- ↑ Mega Man #52
- ↑ Mech Suits Me
- ↑ Alone Again, Unnaturally