Tenma Tokoyo (天魔・常世) is one of the eight pillars of the Yatsukahagi and one of the main antagonists in Kajiri Kamui Kagura. Tokoyo represents the reincarnation of both the souls of Rea Hirumo and Isaak Heydrich (Sonnenkind) into one body, and she resides inside of Gladsheimr's ruins inside Mount Fujii in Edo, protecting the Spear of Destiny (Longinuslanze Testament) that contains the afterglow of Reinhard Heydrich's law. She dies by her own hands in order to sacrifice herself and the other six pillars in order to make Yato regain his full power, giving him the chance to challenge Hajun.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 8-C physically, 1-S with the Taikyoku of Edo | 1-S with Mugen Shugo Jigoku
Name: Tenma Tokoyo, (formerly) Rea Himuro, Isaak Heydrich, Sonnenkind
Origin: Kajiri Kamui Kagura, Shinza Banshō
Gender: Referred to both as male and female as Tokoyo is the reincarnation of both the souls of Rea Hirumo and Isaak Heydrich
Age: At least 8000 years old
Classification: Pillar of the Yatsukahagi, Hadō God Cell
Powers and Abilities: Madness Manipulation (the screams of the souls attached to the body of her Kamunagra are able to make the soldiers who were staring at it fall into madness), Soul Manipulation (Tokoyo is the very embodiment of Ewigkeit, the art of creating miracles using souls as a fuel), Higher-Dimensional Physiology (the Taikyoku of Edo grants a state of existence that is described as higher dimensional compared to the mortal realm), Immortality (Type 1,3,5,8,9), Regeneration (Mid-High to High-Godly; Gods are eternal, perfect, flawless, unbreakable and absolute existences unbound by logic. Their immortality is greater than the one of Frederica which allows her to regenerate from even being turned into dust. Pseudo-Gods like Tokoyo are nothing more than parts of Yato, who holds the ability to bring them back as long as he wants as his ability is comparable to the one of Reinhard Heydrich), Conceptual Manipulation, Beyond-Dimensional Physiology, Higher Dimensional Manipulation (laws govern all kind of concepts, including the one of space), Spatial Manipulation, Creation, BFR, Reality Warping (Taikyoku is an absolute law that swallows up everything in the universe and uses it as a basis for the creation of a new world), Abstract Existence, Non-Existent Physiology (Type 1), Paradox Existence (Tokoyo should be somewhat comparable to Marie who stands as an abstract being disconnected from everything within the mortal realm in a state of being both dead and undead which is similar to how the Yatsukahagi are just remnants of memories from the past that are broken and therefore cannot be fixed in any way, with them living even though they should be nothing more than memories from the past), Large Size (Type 3; her Kamunagra is as big as Mount Fujii), Plot Manipulation (Taikyoku allows its user to rewrite the script of the story in which he resides into), Transduality (Type 3).
Attack Potency: Mountain physically (her Kamunagra should be comparable to Mount Fujii in size), Extraversal with the Taikyoku of Edo (Yato's Time Armor allows all the members of the Yatsukahagi to view the Eastern Expedition and the entire world as fictional, therefore transcending the Creation of the Third Heaven which has been repainted infinitely with a repaint being the act of swallowing all things in order to create a new universe that transcends all of them and whose principle govern all kind of concepts including the one of space. Each repaint repeats this gap up to infinity and sees the previous repaint as dimensioned) | Extraversal with Taikyoku (Taikyoku is the absolute law that governs everything and allows its user to transcend the Creation of the current Heaven by surpassing the principle that stands as the basis of the cosmos).
Speed: at least Irrelevant (should at least be able to move within Gladsheimr which is a realm that transcend concepts such as distance or coordinates).
Striking Strength: Mountain physically (her Kamunagra is comparable to Mount Fujii in size), Extraversal with the Taikyoku of Edo (Time Armor allows its user to gain a state of existence that transcends Creation) | Extraversal with Mugen Shugo Jigoku (Gods can harm other Gods).
Durability: Extraversal with the Taikyoku of Edo (Time Armor allows its user to gain a state of existence that transcends Creation) | Extraversal with Mugen Shugo Jigoku (Gods can only be harmed by other Gods).
Stamina: Inexhaustible
Range: Irrelevant (laws govern all kind of concepts, including the one of space).
Standard Equipment: None Notable
Intelligence: Gifted
Weaknesses: None Notable
Notable Attacks/Techniques[]
Taikyoku - Mugen Shugo Jigoku: the Taikyoku of Tokoyo. When activated, it allows her to sacrifice both herself and all the other six pillars in order to resurrect Tenma Yato at his full power, giving him the chance to challenge Hajun.
Notable Victories: ---
Notable Losses: ---
Inconclusive Matchups: ---