Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
In time, you will know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right. Yet to fail all the same. Dread it. Run from it. Destiny still arrives.
~ Thanos

Summary SU[]

Thanos, referred to as the Dark Lord by his most loyal underlings and the Mad Titan by the galactic community, is a powerful Titan warlord who rules over a distant region of space and commands two massive armies, known as the Chitauri and the Outriders, and a small group of followers known as the Black Order. His main objective was to bring stability from the universe, as he believed its massive population would inevitably use up the universe's resources and condemn it. However, his methodology to succeed was warped; through the use of the ancient Infinity Stones, he intended to harness their power to exterminate half of all life in the universe, thus returning it to what he perceived to be a state of cosmic balance.


Tier: 5-C, 5-B, 5-A, 4-B | 5-A with Power Stone, 4-C, High 4-C, High 4-C, 4-B to 2-A to possibly High 1-C with the complete Infinity Gauntlet, possibly 3-B to High 2-A to possibly Low 1-B with completed Infinity Gauntlet at Max | 4-B, higher with Double-Edged Sword

Name: Thanos

Origin: Marvel Cinematic Universe

Gender: Male

Age: 1,000 years old at the time of his death

Classification: Titan, The Mad Titan, The Dark Lord, Galactic Overlord, Universal Genocide


Notable Powers SU Text[]

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Longevity, Regeneration (Low), Genius Intelligence, Combat Mastery, Weapon Mastery, Enhanced Senses (Fought with web covering his eyes), Summoning (Can call his Double-Bladed Sword to him), Resistance to Radiation & Limited Sleep Inducement

Reality Warping (With the Reality Stone, the gauntlet can make reality to whatever the user wants, Was capable of warping Titan), Energy Manipulation, and Projection (Shown many times), Matter Manipulation, Transmutation (Turned the blast from Star-Lord's gun into bubbles, turned the debris from the destroyed pillar into bats, and also turned Gamora's blade into bubbles), Deconstruction (After he snapped his fingers, Half of all life in the universe was turned into dust, he also turned the Infinity Stones into atoms), Statistics Amplification (When Thanos gained the Power Stone, he gained enough power to one-shot Captain Marvel with a punch, when his previous attacks didn't harm her), Power Nullification (Nullified the Mirror Dimension), Attack Reflection, Biological Manipulation (Deformed Mantis), Earth Manipulation (Generated a pillar of earth to trap Black Widow), Air Manipulation, Time Manipulation (Reversed Time so he could collect the Mind Stone), Healing (Via Time Manipulation), Spatial Manipulation, Animal Manipulation (Shown here), Fire Manipulation and Absorption (Absorbed the fire done by Iron Man's missles), Forcefield Creation, Illusion Creation (Created an illusion of himself on Nowhere to fool the Guardians of the Galaxy), Portal Creation and Teleportation (Shown here), Pseudo-Black Hole Creation (Turned the remnants of the Mirror Dimension into a black hole), Fusionism (Fused the Hulkbuster into a rock), Petrification (Turned Drax to stone), Invisibility, Telekinesis (Threw War Machine, threw the surface of Titan's moon), Can turn others Intangible (As shown here), Has access to all the abilities of the Infinity Gauntlet at his disposal (Has only shown the abilities listed above)

Physical Stats SU Text

Attack Potency[]

Moon Level (Can hold the Power Stone with his bare hand. Superior to Ronan,who survived an attack from the Hadron Enforcer, which can destroy moons), Large Planet level (Should be stronger than Hela, who easily destroy Mjølnir with on hand. Easily crushed the Tesseract with one hand. Overpowered and knocked out Post-Sakaar Hulk. Overpowered Captain Marvel while severely injured. Easily ripped the Mind Stone out of Vision's head, who is partially made of Vibranium. One-shot Doctor Strange's Tao Mandalas. Is consistently stated as the strongest being in the universe, putting him above characters such as Ego, who was able to spontaneously grow his sprouts on thousands of other planets along with other celestials.), Solar System level (Defeated Awakened Thor, leaving him severely injured) | Large Planet level (Destroyed the surface of a planet in seconds and destroyed half of Titan's moon.), Star Level (Stronger than Dr. Strange, who hide the Time Stone was being hidden amongst the stars.), Large Star Level (Created a black hole that had the power of 2,429.79635 Tenatons of TNT.), Large Star level+ (Thanos destroyed Tessa, which can move through the Devil's Anus.), Solar System level to Multiverse level+ to possibly High Complexe Multiverse level with the complete Infinity Gauntlet (When the Infinity Gauntlet was completed, it had all the powers of the Infinity Stones combined, and not even the weapon intended to kill him, Stormbringer, could kill him due to the completed Infinity Gauntlets' power. Threatened to tear down the universe to its last atom and recreate it. The Reality Stone in Aether form was able to cover the entire universe in darkness. The Time stones make up the flow of time, The stones have also been stated to have “limitless power”. The Time Stone is capable of breaking the Space-Time Continuum. Dormammu is implied to be a 11-Dimensional entity and transcends human comprehension of physics, which views the word as 11-Dimensional), possibly Multi-Galaxy level to High Multiverse level+ to possibly Low Hyperverse level with completed Infinity Gauntlet at Max (Should be comparable to Infinity Ultron, who fought and eventually overpowered Uatu) | Solar System level (Fought Fat Thor with Stormbreaker, Mark 85 Iron Man and Captain America at once in close combat), higher with Double-Edged Sword (Deflected Stormbreaker when wielded by Fat Thor. Broke Captain America's Vibranium Shield.)


Sub-Relativistic to Relativistic+ (Blocked Iron Man's repulsor, which should scale to Ultron's repulsor, which are described as beams of light. Reacted to Captain Marvel's photon blast while severely injured. Easily kept up with Thor, who blocked beams from the Destroyer, which were compared in speed to lasers.), Massively FTL+ (Even while weakened, reacted to Captain Marvel’s photon blasts, which can travel faster than her flight speed, which she was able to find Tony floating above Titan and gets him back to Earth in a day) | Sub-Relativistic to Relativistic+, Massively FTL+ (Faster than before. Faster than Dr. Strange, who retrieves the Time Stone from among the stars.), possibly Inaccessible, Immeasurable (Should be comparable to Infinity Ultron, who grows larger than an entire galaxy in 6.35 seconds, tried to blow up the entire galaxy, and traveled across several Universes in his fight with Uatu) | Sub-Relativistic to Relativistic+, Massively FTL+ (Easily kept up with Fat Thor and Mark 85 Iron Man. Dodged Mjølnir in point-blank range)

Lifting Strength[]

At least Class P, likely higher (Overpowered Post-Sakaar Hulk's grappling. Stronger than Awakened Thor and Captain Marvel. Overpowered Fat Thor and nearly shoved Stormbreaker into his chest. Pushed through repulsor blasts from Mark 85 Iron Man charged by Fat Thor)

Striking Strength[]

Moon Class, Large Planet Class, Solar System Class | Large Planet Class, Star Class, Large Star Class, Large Star Class+, Solar System Class to Multiversal+ to possibly High Complexe Multiversal with the complete Infinity Gauntlet, possibly Multi-Galactic to High Multiversal+ to possibly Low Hyperversal with completed Infinity Gauntlet at Max | Solar System Class, higher with Double-Edged Sword


Moon Level, Large Planet Level, Solar System level | Large Planet level with Power Stone, Star Level, Large Star Level, Large Star level+, Solar System level to Multiverse level+ to possibly High Complexe Multiverse level with the complete Infinity Gauntlet, possibly Multi-Galaxy level to High Multiverse level+ to possibly Low Hyperverse level with completed Infinity Gauntlet at Max | Solar System level


Very high (Can fight with Thor, Iron Man, and Captain America at the same time for several minutes)


Extended melee range | As before physically, the Infinity Gauntlet Varies, Several meters with the Mind Stone (Using the Mind Stone, Loki was capable of blasting a truck a few meters away). At least Tens of Kilometers with the Time Stone (The Time Stone was capable of trapping Hong Kong in a time loop), possibly far higher (Was implied to potentially be a massive threat to the natural order of the world). Thousands of Kilometers with Telekinesis (Capable of throwing Titan's moon while Thanos was still on Titan). Planetary for Offensive Attacks via the Power Stone. Interplanetary with the Reality Stone (The Reality Stone is capable of rewriting the 9 Realms into darkness), Universal with the Infinity Gauntlet for Portal Creation, Universal with the Complete Infinity Gauntlet


Armor, Double-Bladed Sword (Owned by his alternate timeline self) | The Infinity Gauntlet

  • The Infinity Gauntlet: A powerful gauntlet forged from special metal melted by the energies of a Neutron Star by the Dwarf King Eitri, under the strict command and supervision of Thanos himself under threat of death. With it, Thanos can collectively harness the power of all Six Infinity Stones without being physically overwhelmed, and efficiently channel and command their might without risk of misdirection or backfiring.
    • Power Stone: Directly linked with, and representing all Power in the Universe, the Power Stone grants Thanos immense, unrivaled power on a cosmic scale, allowing him to effortlessly tear apart the surface of worlds and moons, destroy his enemies with blasts of cosmic energies, and enhance his strength and durability to nearly unmatched and indestructible levels.
    • Space Stone: Directly linked with, and representing all Space in the Universe, the Space Stone grants Thanos direct control over the fabric of Space itself, allowing him to telekinetically tear apart the surface of Titan's moon, levitate, and fold space to create portals so that he may instantaneously traverse across the universe.
    • Reality Stone: Directly linked with, and representing Reality itself, the Reality Stone grants Thanos the ability to mold and reshape the fabric of reality as he sees fit, allowing him to effortlessly transmute anything and anyone in his vicinity, create tangible illusions, and reform the entire landscape in which he's in.
    • Soul Stone: Directly linked with, and representing the souls of all sentient beings in the Universe, the Soul Stone grants Thanos the power to manipulate the souls of his victims, allowing him to end the lives of his victims with but a snap of his fingers. When further empowered by the Five Other Stones combined, this ability can be performed on a universal scale.
    • Time Stone: Directly linked with, and representing all Time in the Universe, the Time Stone grants Thanos direct control over the fabric of Time itself, allowing him to halt, revert, and accelerate its flow, as well as generate endless time loops.
    • Mind Stone: Directly linked with, and representing the minds of all sentient beings in the Universe, the Mind Stone grants Thanos the capability to influence and control the minds of his enemies. However, he has yet to demonstrate the Mind Stones' powers in any meaningful way.


Genius. (Thanos is a cunning and ruthless individual with an intellect sharpened by centuries of experience. A brilliant strategist, commanding vast armies that have devastated countless worlds and destroyed empires across the galaxy, which earned him renown as one of the most fearsome warlords in the universe. An incredibly skilled combatant, who easily outmaneuvered heroes such as Thor, The Hulk, Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Captain America, etc. during their confrontations, and who could quickly and intuitively learn and master how to wield the Infinity Stones. Found a way to time travel from 2014 to 2023 after obtaining Pym Particles. A master manipulator and an incredibly charismatic man if there was ever one)


None notable | He must be able to move his hand to activate the Infinity Stones. Continuous usage of the Stones had a toll on his body, as his left arm has been permanently damaged | None notable


Base | With Infinity Gauntlet | 2014 base


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
