Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Some people think they can outsmart me... Maybe, maybe... But I have yet to meet one that can outsmart bullet.
~ Heavy
Heavy WeaponGuy

Summary SU[]

Like a hibernating bear, the Heavy appears to be a gentle giant. Also like a bear, confusing his deliberate, sleepy demeanor with gentleness will get you ripped limb from limb. Though he speaks simply and moves with an economy of energy that's often confused with napping, the Heavy isn't dumb; He's not your big friend and he generally wishes that you would just shut up before he has to make you shut up.

He is one of the defense classes in Team Fortress 2, his job is to mow down as many attackers as he can while taking fire.


Tier: High 8-C, 8-B, 7-C, possibly 7-A to 6-C, possibly 5-B to Low 2-C, higher with Power Ups

Name: Mikhail "Misha", Heavy Weapons Guy

Origin: Team Fortress 2

Gender: Male

Age: 57

Classification: Human, Mercenary


Notable Powers SU Text[]

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Expert with miniguns and shotguns, Skilled Boxer, Regeneration and Healing (Mid-Low, via Sandvich and other consumables), Can shoot an invisible bullet by pointing with his fingers, Status Effect Inducement, Statistics Reduction (Via Natascha), Statistics Amplification and Damage Boost (Via Dalokohs Bar and Buffalo Steak Sandvich), Damage Reduction (via Fists of Steel), Empathic Manipulation (via the Holiday Punch), Fire Manipulation (via the Huo-Long Heater) Transmutation (via the Saxxy and Golden Frying Pan), Immunity to Soul Manipulation due to the Medic surgically implanting himself with every other mercenary's soul

Magic (Via Magic Spells), Fire Manipulation (with Fireball and Meteor Shower), Teleportation (with Shadow Leap), Invisibility (with Stealth), Explosion Manipulation (with Pumpkin MIRV), Summoning (with Skeleton Horde and Summon Monoculus), Electricity Manipulation (with Ball O' Lightning), Statistics Amplification and Size Manipulation (with Power Up), Invulnerability and Healing (with Overheal), Self-Healing (with Shadow leap, Blast Jump, Overheal, Stealth and Power Up), Regeneration (Unknown type) (with Regeneration, Vampire, and King), Damage Transferal with Reflect (80% of the damage dealt is reflected to the attacker), Disease Manipulation (Touching an enemy gives them the Plague), and Regeneration Negation (Block's King powerups regeneration), Status Effect Inducement (Supernova stuns all nearby players), Damage Reduction, Resistance to Disease Manipulation (with Resistance), Resistance to Damage Transferal (Resistance and Vampire give immunity to Reflect powerup)

Regeneration (Unknown type), Status Effect Inducement (Heavy can use his minigun to stun enemies on charge), Self-Healing with Health on Kill, Statistics Amplification (with Crits on Kill), Resistance to Fire Manipulation and Explosion Manipulation, Teleportation and Statistics Amplification with Teleport to Spawn Canteen (Teleports the user to spawn and gives a 5 second speed boost), Invulnerability with Become Ubercharged Canteen, Statistics Amplification with Become Crit Boosted Canteen

Physical Stats SU Text

Attack Potency[]

Large Building Level (His Minigun is able to mow down an entire horde of Soldiers. Punched out all of Scout's blood), City Block level (Soldier's Cow Mangler is stated to be able to atomize cows), Town level (Stopped a train with his bare hands), possibly Mountain level+ to Island level (His weapons can harm the other mercs that could temporarily survive the meteor shower spell), possibly Planet level to Universe level+ (Capable of defeating Merasmus), higher with Power Ups


Relativistic (Moves at over a fifth of the speed of the projectiles from the Righteous Bison), Relativistic+ (Can consistently fight with and against his fellow mercenaries. Capable of reacting to the projectiles from the Righteous Bison), possibly FTL (While the slowest of the mercenaries he is still capable of combating them and tracking their movements, such as with Sniper), higher with gunfire and MVM upgrades

Lifting Strength[]

At least Class 1 (Stronger than Soldier, who can wield the half-ton black box and casually and consistently snap necks), Class 5 (He can lift a brown bear that is of much greater size than himself, and could briefly tug of war with a held back Saxton Hale, who was past his prime), possibly Class 25, likely Class G (Stronger than Scout), Class T (Stopped a train)

Striking Strength[]

Large Building Class, City Block Class, Town Class, possibly Mountain Class+ to Island Class, possibly Planet Class to Universal+ (Can trade blows with the other mercs), higher with Power Ups


Large Building Level (Can take multiple grenades head on and survive. Much more durable than Scout), City Block level (Can take hits from the cow mangler), Town level (Tanked the other train cars crashing into/piling onto him), possibly Mountain level+ to Island level (Can temporarily survive the meteor shower spell), possibly Planet level to Universe level+, higher with Power Ups


Superhuman (Wrestled bears in the harsh snow mountain environment and constantly won), can be increased temporarily with the Dalokohs Bar.


Melee with fists, Up to dozens of meters with Minigun and shotguns.


Minigun and shotgun.


Surprisingly quite high, possesses a Ph.D. in Russian literature and claims that "it has more uses in his line of work than you would think". It's been implied that the only reason the Heavy comes off as dimwitted is because he is not very proficient in English.


He is short-tempered, and notably slow when his minigun is spun up. The upgrades make his mini-gun consumes much more ammunition than normal, making it run out faster.

Notable Attacks and Techniques[]

  • Nomming: The Heavy consumes an item from his lunchbox, be it a sandwich, a steak, chocolate or a banana.
  • Showdown: The Heavy mimics a quick-draw pistol showdown, resulting in instant death for any enemy in his "line of fire".


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
