tier 1-S
name: living tribunal
origin : marvel
Attack potency: extraversal he scales above eternity who is the omniverse and the omniverse scales to infinite megaverses each with infinite multiverses to show you how big is a multiverse is, a multiverse infinite floors each floor holds infinite dimensions that function the same way as dc dimensions and each dimensions has infinities of universe equal to the brink of infinities of recursion hierarchies of set theory with stuff like { infinity, infinity, infinity, infinity .………… infinity, infinity, infinity} infinity^^^^^^^^^………^^^^^^ infinity amount of times in beat notation, innacessible infinities, mahlo, infinities, weakly compact infinities, Berkeley infinities, unnamed infinities and even absolute infinity, and each universe is a multiverse with everything I just said ad infinitum and there are worlds within worlds and worlds besides worlds infinitely each with Plato/ concept gaps and there are layers within layers of dream recursion hierarchies within these gaps infinitely equal to the concept of higher infinities with stuff like beaf notation like aleph infinity & aleph infinity& aleph infinity & aleph infinity & aleph infinity .………………… extraversal & extraversal amount of times and each universe is beyond absolute infinity and absolute infinity is beyond all unnamed infinities and they are beyond stuff like Berkeley infinities, which are beyond weakly compact infinities which are beyond mahlo infinities which are beyond inaccessible infinities which are beyond aleph fixed point which are beyond aleph church Kleene ordinal which is beyond { infinity, infinity, infinity, …………………….………, infinity} with { infinity, infinity, infinity, …………………….………, infinity} with { infinity, infinity, infinity, …………………….………, infinity} ………………….. with infinity entries this regression I was doing was extraversal & extraversal amount of times and {infinity, infinity, infinity} is already infinity^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^…………^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^infinity with infinity^s and infinity ^^ infinity is 1-S
speed: irrelevant
durability: extraversal
lifting strength: irrelevant
striking strength: extraversal