“ | This isn't a war," said the artilleryman. "It never was a war, any more than there's war between man and ants. | „ |
In the last years of the Nineteenth Century, curious minds from across space studied Earth. For years, Mars had been nearing uninhabitability, and now, having constructed large tripod mechanisms and cannons to fire their cylinder ships, the Martians began an attack. Within days, Britain was conquered by the alien invaders in perhaps the greatest conflict in the Earth's history, and by that point, the planet seemed to have no hope. But victory lies in the small things.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 10-C physically, 8-C with the Heat Ray
Civilization Type: Planetary Civilisation (Heavily implied to be the full force and governing body of their home planet.)
Name: Martians
Origin: The War of the Worlds
Classification: Alien invaders
Kardashev Level: Unknown, likely Type I
Age: Stated to be far older than human civilisation
Population: Unknown
Territory: Mars
Technology/Abilities: Martian and Cephalopod Physiology, Telepathy (Capable of speaking to each other telepathically), Heat Manipulation and Energy Projection via the Heat Ray, Light Manipulation via the Light Ray, Mecha Piloting Mastery, Poison Smoke Manipulation via the Black Smoke, Self-Sustenance (Types 2 and 3; inject blood instead of consuming liquid or food and do not sleep or feel fatigue) and Flight via the Flying-machine, Resistance to Enervation Inducement (Do not feel fatigue, however this likely would not stop more powerful versions of this power)
Attack Potency: Below Average Human physically (Martians are, while mentally above humans, physically animalistic.), Building level with the Heat Ray (Capable of causing Buildings to cave in.)
Power Source: Unknown
Industrial Capacity: Unknown
Military Prowess: At least 150 fighting-machines are on Earth, more are implied
Speed: Below Average Human physically, Superhuman with Fighting-machines (Stated to go as fast as an Express-train), Hypersonic+ travel with Cylinders, Speed of Light attack speed with the Heat Ray
Notable Individuals: None notable
Weaknesses: Due to their tripod nature, the Fighting-machines were defeated rather easily by ramming. Mars had no bacteria and the Martians are as such extremely weak to any bacteria.
Note: Speed is a unique statistic not present on the Standard Format but added to this profile as it holds a level of importance for this profile.
Notable Victories:
None notable
Notable Losses:
None notable
Inconclusive Matches:
None notable