“ | Hudda hudda huh! | „ |
~ Pyro mumbling |

The Pyro is a mumbling pyromaniac of indeterminate origin who has a burning passion for all things fire related. The Pyro appears to be insane and delusional, living in a utopian fantasy world known as Pyroland.
Tier: High 8-C, 8-B, 7-C, possibly 7-A to 6-C, possibly 5-B to Low 2-C, higher via Optional Equipment, higher with Power Ups
Name: Pyro
Origin: Team Fortress 2
Gender: Unknown, but has been referred to as both Male and Female
Age: Unknown
Classification: Human, Mercenary, Pyrotechnician
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Expert Pyrotechnician, Can shoot a fireball out of their hands, can deflect projectiles with an airblast, Enhanced Senses, Healing, Breath Attack, Expert with pyrotechnics and axes, Resistance to fire, and Immunity to Soul Manipulation (the Medic surgically implanting himself with every other mercenary's soul)
Can cut at the molecular level with the Third Degree, Explosion Manipulation via the Detonator and Scorch Shot, Flight via jetpack, Energy Projection, Energy Manipulation and Durability Negation, Invulnerability (With the Phlogistinator), Damage Boost (Backburner guarantees to deal critical damage when attacking from behind, Phlogistinator guarantees critical damage after initiating Mmmph), Resistance Negation for Fire Manipulation with the Gas Passer, Statistics Amplification, Statistics Reduction and Status Effect Inducement with various of their weapons
Magic (Via Magic Spells), Fire Manipulation (with Fireball and Meteor Shower), Teleportation (with Shadow Leap), Invisibility (with Stealth), Explosion Manipulation (with Pumpkin MIRV), Summoning (with Skeleton Horde and Summon Monoculus), Electricity Manipulation (with Ball O' Lightning), Statistics Amplification and Size Manipulation (with Power Up), Invulnerability and Healing (with Overheal), Self-Healing (with Shadow leap, Blast Jump, Overheal, Stealth and Power Up), Regeneration (Unknown type) (with Regeneration, Vampire, and King), Damage Transferal with Reflect (80% of the damage dealt is reflected to the attacker), Disease Manipulation (Touching an enemy gives them the Plague), and Regeneration Negation (Block's King powerups regeneration), Status Effect Inducement (Supernova stuns all nearby players), Damage Reduction, Resistance to Disease Manipulation (with Resistance), Resistance to Damage Transferal (Resistance and Vampire give immunity to Reflect powerup)
Regeneration (Unknown type), Status Effect Inducement (Thermal Thruster can be upgraded to stun enemies on landing)), Self-Healing with Health on Kill, Statistics Amplification (with Crits on Kill), Resistance to Fire Manipulation and Explosion Manipulation, Teleportation and Statistics Amplification with Teleport to Spawn Canteen (Teleports the user to spawn and gives a 5 second speed boost), Invulnerability with Become Ubercharged Canteen, Statistics Amplification with Become Crit Boosted Canteen
Large Building Level (Burned down small buildings in Meet the Pyro and took down the entire BLU team single-handedly. Can fight giant robots larger than small buildings and destroy tanks over time), City Block level (Soldier's Cow Mangler is stated to be able to atomize cows), possibly Mountain level+ to Island level (Their weapons can harm the other mercs that could temporarily survive the meteor shower spell), possibly Planet level to Universe level+ (Capable of defeating Merasmus), higher via Optional Equipment (Can utilize the Phlogistinator, Manmelter, Neon Annihilator, and the Third Degree, which can vaporize robots, the Manmelter is stated to be capable of atomizing), higher with Power Ups
Relativistic (Moves at a forth of the speed of the projectiles from the Righteous Bison), Relativistic+ (Can consistently fight with and against his fellow mercenaries. Capable of reacting to the projectiles from the Righteous Bison), possibly FTL (Fought Scout), higher with gunfire and MVM upgrades
At least Class 1 (Comparable to the Soldier, who can wield the half-ton black box and casually and consistently snap necks), Class 5, possibly Class 25, likely Class G, possibly Class T (Scaling to Scout and Heavy)
Large Building Class, City Block Class, Town Class, possibly Mountain Class+ to Island Class, possibly Planet Class to Universal+ (Can trade blows with the other mercs), higher with Power Ups
Large Building Level (Can survive Soldier's rockets), City Block level (Can take hits from the cow mangler), Town level, possibly Mountain level+ to Island level (Can temporarily survive the meteor shower spell), possibly Planet level to Universe level+, higher with Power Ups
Likely Superhuman
Extended melee range with axes and sledgehammers. Melee range with the Hot Hand. Several feet with Flamethrower. Several dozen feet with secondary weapons.
A Flame Thrower, a pistol, and an axe.
- Optional Equipment: A full list of his weapons can be found here.
High (Became an extremely successful CEO in a matter of months after the mercs are fired)
Insane, equipment is also hampered in water.
- Execution: With the Scorch Shot, the Pyro adjusts their stance and fires a single shot at the direction of the cross-hair, killing whoever is in point-blank range of their shot instantly. Otherwise, it does standard damage to its target.
- Hadouken: A point-blank range fireball that Pyro charges and releases from their hands, igniting anything within its range.
- Armageddon: With the Rainblower, the Pyro blows a stream of bubbles as a rainbow forms over him or her. The Pyro then leans over as foreboding music plays, causing the rainbow to become engulfed in flames and releasing an inferno that burns all who are in their proximity.
- Gas Blast: With the Thermal Thruster, the Pyro strikes a match against a match box and turns around, reaching between their legs to place the match in front of the rear area, and lets loose a burst of flames while watching over their shoulder.
- Mmmph: With Phlogistinator, the Pyro initiates the "Mmmph" after reaching a certain amount of damage dealt and will be guaranteed to deal critical damage for a short amount of time. While initiating "Mmmph", Pyro becomes invincible temporarily.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: