“ | Grass grows, birds fly, sun shines, and brother, I hurt people. I'm a force of nature. | „ |
~ Scout |

Born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts and the youngest of eight boys from the south side of Boston, the Scout is a fast-running scrapper with a baseball bat and a snarky "in-your-face" attitude who learned how to solve problems with his fists. With seven older brothers on his side, fights tended to end before the runt of the litter could maneuver into punching distance. So the Scout trained himself to run. He ran everywhere, all the time, until he could beat his pack of mad dog siblings to the fray.
Tier: High 8-C, 8-B, 7-C, possibly 7-A to 6-C, possibly 5-B to Low 2-C, higher via Optional Equipment, higher with Power Ups
Name: Jeremy, Scout
Origin: Team Fortress 2
Gender: Male
Age: 23 pre-timeskip, 27 post-timeskip
Classification: Human, Mercenary
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Expert Marksman and Bat Wielder, Limited Flight (Can jump once in mid-air), Immunity to Soul Manipulation (Due to the Medic surgically implanting himself with every other mercenary's soul)
As before, Limited Flight (Can jump twice in mid-air with the Atomizer and five times with the Soda Popper), Statistics Amplification (Can temporarily increase his stats with certain weapons), Afterimage Creation with Bonk!, Status Effect Inducement with his Fan O'War and Sandman, Energy Projection with various weapons, Regeneration (Mid-Low when hitting targets with the Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol or those drenched in the Mad Milk)
Magic (Via Magic Spells), Fire Manipulation (with Fireball and Meteor Shower), Teleportation (with Shadow Leap), Invisibility (With Stealth), Explosion Manipulation (with Pumpkin MIRV), Summoning (with Skeleton Horde and Summon Monoculus), Electricity Manipulation (With Ball O' Lightning), Statistics Amplification and Size Manipulation (With Power Up), Invulnerability and Healing (With Overheal), Self-Healing (with Shadow leap, Blast Jump, Overheal, Stealth and Power Up), Regeneration (Unknown type) (With Regeneration, Vampire, and King), Damage Transferal with Reflect (80% of the damage dealt is reflected to the attacker), Disease Manipulation (Touching an enemy gives them the Plague), and Regeneration Negation (Block's King powerups regeneration), Status Effect Inducement (Supernova stuns all nearby players), Damage Reduction, Resistance to Disease Manipulation (With Resistance), Resistance to Damage Transferal (Resistance and Vampire give immunity to Reflect powerup)
Regeneration (Unknown type), Self-Healing with Health on Kill, Statistics Reduction (Mad Milk can be upgraded to slow down covered Enemies), Statistics Amplification (with Crits on Kill), Resistance to Fire Manipulation and Explosion Manipulation Teleportation and Statistics Amplification with Teleport to Spawn Canteen (Teleports the user to spawn and gives a 5 second speed boost), Invulnerability with Become Ubercharged Canteen, Statistics Amplification with Become Crit Boosted Canteen
Large Building Level (Can fight people capable of hurting him, such as a Soldier. He can even kill a Soldier in one hit), City Block level (Soldier's Cow Mangler is stated to be able to atomize cows), Town level, possibly Mountain level+ to Island level (His weapons can harm the other mercs that could temporarily survive the meteor shower spell), possibly Planet level to Universe level+ (Capable of defeating Merasmus), higher via Optional Equipment (Can utilize the Batsaber and the C.A.P.P.E.R, which can vaporize robots), higher with Power Ups
Relativistic (Moves at a third of the speed of the projectiles from the Righteous Bison, which is referred to as indivisible particle smasher), Relativistic+ (Regularly fights with and against his fellow mercenaries, all of which can react to the projectiles from the Righteous Bison. After the events of Mann vs Machine, he was able to defeat multiple MvM robots by himself, whereas pre-MvM Sniper was blitzed by a common Sniper Bot), possibly FTL (One of his cosmetics, the Cross-Comm Express, is said to be able to receive signals from a satellite at light speed. Its description then implies that it is unable to do this because Scout is moving too fast), higher with gunfire and MVM upgrades (MVM Upgrades boost the Scout's speed by 30%), FTL with Flying Guillotine (The flying guillotine is far faster than the righteous bison's projectiles), Massively FTL+ with Bonk! (Capable of dodging shots from the Pomson 6000 so casually that it's like they don't even exist)
At least Class 1 (Comparable to the Soldier, who can wield the half-ton black box and casually and consistently snap necks), Class 5 (Capable of restraining Heavy in Meet the Scout), possibly Class 25 (Implied to be capable of tearing the arm off of an enemy spy and using it as a bat, which would take 30-200 Kilonewtons of force), likely Class G (Shifted a replica of Ayer's rock made from styrofoam and balsa wood), possibly Class T (Could grapple with the Blu Heavy, who should be comparable to the Red Heavy, who could stop a train)
Large Building Class, City Block Class, Town Class, possibly Mountain Class+ to Island Class, possibly Planet Class to Universal+ (Could KO a Soldier with a single hit, can trade blows with the other mercs), higher with Power Ups
Large Building Level (Can survive Soldier's rockets although he was heavily hospitalized by them and was able to go hand to hand with the Heavy in Meet the Scout), City Block level (Can take hits from the cow mangler), Town level, possibly Mountain level+ to Island level (Can temporarily survive the meteor shower spell), possibly Planet level to Universe level+, higher with Power Ups
Superhuman (BONK! usually causes fatal lethargy (lack of energy) to regular drinkers, as a side effect, and Scout drank multiple cans as if it was an ordinary hobby)
Standard melee range with bats, dozens of meters with guns
A Scattergun, a pistol, and a bat.
- Optional Equipment: A full list of his weapons can be found here.
Average with notable mercenary skills. Growing up in the rough streets of Boston, Scout was getting into street fights at an early age, having earned his running ability through his efforts to get there first. Now he is considered one of the nine most dangerous mercenaries in the world, being an expert at flanking, evasion, and being incredibly annoying to friend and foe alike. Nevertheless, he is indeed a force of nature on the battlefield, and is able to keep up with all but the most deadly of combatants in sustained firefights. He was also clever enough once to trick the Spy by taking advantage of his sentiments for his mother.
Scout is academically inept and incredibly impulsive, which is exacerbated by his puffed-up self-esteem. All of these things have gotten him into trouble on numerous occasions. He is also insecure about his feelings for Ms. Pauling and his attempts to impress her can distract him from time to time.
- Home Run: The Scout points to the sky, winds up, and swings the bat, instantly killing any enemy too slow, unaware, or simply unfortunate enough to be in range.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: