Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
I have personally killed 6,578 men in cold blood while looking them in the eye; jumped on 1,336 live grenades; and stuffed fourteen feet of my own intestine back into my stomach.

If that doesn't scare you out of your frilly pink leotards, guess what: You are an idiot and you hate America.

~ Soldier

Summary SU[]

Though he wanted desperately to fight in World War 2, the Soldier was rejected by every branch of the military. Undaunted, he bought his own ticket to Europe. After arriving and finally locating Poland, the Soldier taught himself how to load and fire a variety of weapons before embarking on a Nazi killing spree for which he was awarded several medals that he designed and made himself. His rampage ended immediately upon hearing about the end of the war in 1949.


Tier: High 8-C, 8-B, 7-C, possibly 7-A to 6-C, possibly 5-B to Low 2-C, higher via Optional Equipment, higher with Power Ups

Name: Jane Doe, Soldier

Origin: Team Fortress 2

Gender: Male

Age: 50

Classification: Human, Mercenary


Notable Powers SU Text[]

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Expert marksman with a rocket launcher and is self-taught in the use of various firearms and trench warfare equipment, Mastery over firearms, rocket launchers, swords, shovels and more, Immortality (Type 4) and Resurrection (stated that he cannot die, and will simply come back stronger), Enhanced Senses, Extrasensory Perception and Non-Physical Interaction (Can see, talk and interact with the souls of both Redmond and Blutarch Mann), Limited Healing, High mobility via rocket jumping, Immunity to Soul Manipulation (the Medic surgically implanting himself with every other mercenary's soul), Resistance to Pain

Stat amping via the Buff Banner, Battalion's Backup, Concheror, and Escape Plan, Rage Power with the Battalion's Backup, Energy Projection, Fire Manipulation, Energy Manipulation and Durability Negation with Cow Mangler 5000 and Bison, Curse Manipulation and Death Manipulation with Half-Zatoichi, Regeneration (Mid-Low with the Concheror), Self-Destruction via the Equalizer and Escape Plan

Magic (Via Magic Spells), Fire Manipulation (with Fireball and Meteor Shower), Teleportation (with Shadow Leap), Invisibility (with Stealth), Explosion Manipulation (with Pumpkin MIRV), Summoning (with Skeleton Horde and Summon Monoculus), Electricity Manipulation (with Ball O' Lightning), Statistics Amplification and Size Manipulation (with Power Up), Invulnerability and Healing (with Overheal), Self-Healing (with Shadow leap, Blast Jump, Overheal, Stealth and Power Up), Regeneration (Unknown type) (with Regeneration, Vampire, and King), Damage Transferal with Reflect (80% of the damage dealt is reflected to the attacker), Disease Manipulation (Touching an enemy gives them the Plague), and Regeneration Negation (Block's King powerups regeneration), Status Effect Inducement (Supernova stuns all nearby players), Damage Reduction, Resistance to Disease Manipulation (with Resistance), Resistance to Damage Transferal (Resistance and Vampire give immunity to Reflect powerup)

Regeneration, Status Effect Inducement (Soldier with Rocket Specialist is capable of stunning targets on a direct hit) Self-Healing with Health on Kill, Statistics Amplification (with Crits on Kill), Resistance to Fire Manipulation and Explosion Manipulation, Teleportation and Statistics Amplification with Teleport to Spawn Canteen (Teleports the user to spawn and gives a 5 second speed boost), Invulnerability with Become Ubercharged Canteen, Statistics Amplification with Become Crit Boosted Canteen

Physical Stats SU Text

Attack Potency[]

Large Building Level (His shotgun is able to one shot Demoman at close range, and was able to knock out a spy in a single blow with a shovel. Even without MVM upgrades, he is capable of dealing damage to robots and tanks of this size, and as a mercenary he should not be too far behind Heavy), City Block level (His Cow Mangler is stated to be able to atomize cows), Town level, possibly Mountain level+ to Island level (His weapons can harm the other mercs that could temporarily survive the meteor shower spell), possibly Planet level to Universe level+ (Capable of defeating Merasmus), higher via Optional Equipment (Can utilize the Righteous Bison, which can vaporize robots), higher with Power Ups


Relativistic (Moves at a fifth of the speed of the projectiles from the Righteous Bison), Relativistic+ (Can consistently fight with and against his fellow mercenaries. Capable of reacting to the projectiles from the Righteous Bison), possibly FTL (Fought Scout), higher with gunfire and MVM upgrades

Lifting Strength[]

At least Class 1 (Wield the half-ton black box and casually and consistently snap necks), Class 5, possibly Class 25, likely Class G, possibly Class T (Scaling to Scout and Heavy)

Striking Strength[]

Large Building Class, City Block Class, Town Class, possibly Mountain Class+ to Island Class, possibly Planet Class to Universal+ (Can trade blows with the other mercs), higher with Power Ups


Large Building Level (Can survive heavy machine gun fire for a brief period, can survive point blank explosions from his rocket launcher while rocket jumping, as well as live grenades from the Demoman with health to spare), City Block level (Can take hits from the cow mangler), Town level, possibly Mountain level+ to Island level (Can temporarily survive the meteor shower spell), possibly Planet level to Universe level+, higher with Power Ups


High (Can easily tote around a rocket launcher and sixteen reserve shots along with a trench shovel and a shotgun/backpack without fatiguing and easily shrugs off the pain from rocket jumping. Ran for many hours straight without resting, never showing any signs of fatigue afterwards. He also reacted very casually to having his hand cut off by the Pyro ("Miss Pauling, Pyro cut off my hand."), higher with the Battalion's Backup.


Several hundred meters with his rocket launcher (is more effective the closer he is to his target), Several dozen meters with his shotgun (once again, is more effective the closer he is to his target), Extended melee range with melee weaponry.


A Rocket Launcher, a shotgun and a shovel.


The Soldier is a truly insane and fanatically patriotic murderer who displays clear signs of being a delusional psychotic. Nevertheless, he is recognized as one of the nine most dangerous mercenaries in the world and is an expert marksman while holding his own in melee combat with his trusty trench shovel. However, his insanity makes him impatient and reckless, which has gotten him into trouble on numerous occasions.


The Soldier is truly insane, leading to his illogical actions and volatile personality (i.e. "I have done nothing but teleport bread for three days."). He must hurt himself in order to Rocket Jump. His Rocket Launchers have a long reload time. He must take or deal a certain amount of damage in order to activate his bugles' effects. Using the Escape Plan makes him more vulnerable to damage and his Equalizer deals damage based on how much health he has left.

Notable Attacks and Techniques[]

  • Rocket jump: Soldier can fire rockets at the ground to propel himself through the air. This also works with the Cow Mangler 5000. If Soldier is not using the Rocket Jumper, he will hurt himself while doing this.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
