Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Theodore Peterson


Theodore Masters Peterson (commonly known as The Neighbor) is the main antagonist of the Hello Neighbor franchise.

Theodore was just a regular father and amusement park designer before his life took a dark turn. His wife Diane died in a car crash and his daughter Mya was accidentally pushed off a roof as she fell to her death. On top of that, multiple people were dying on his amusement park rides. A few days later, Theodore locked his son and only remaining family member Aaron in his basement which was witnessed by Aaron's friend Nicky Roth. After Nicky had escaped the basement, Theodore's house was eventually destroyed. However, Theodore and Aaron were still alive.

Powers & Stats[]

Tier: 9-B, 8-C with Crab Mech

Name: Theodore Masters Peterson

Origin: Hello Neighbor

Age: Unknown (likely in his 50s)

Classification: Human

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Genius Intelligence, Enhanced Senses, Stealth Mastery, Preparation, Shapeshifting (As Clown Neighbor, Theodore can disguise himself as household objects), Non-Corporeal (in his Ghost Form) Light Manipulation (in his Ghost form)

Attack Potency: Street Level (Fought off a group of police officers for a short period of time) | Wall Level (Able to burst through doors and windows with ease.) | Small Building Level with Crab Mech (The Mech is much bigger than his own house.)

Speed: Peak Human (Can keep up with Nicky.)

Lifting Strength: Average Human (Can lift up children with single arm. Tossed police officers around with ease.)

Striking Strength Wall Level (Can knock out Nicky with a single hit.)

Durability: Wall Level (Survived a car crash and getting hit by heavy objects thrown at him. Doesn't get harmed by any of his own bear traps if he ever steps into one by accident.), higher in his Ghost Form

Stamina: Above Average (Able to continue chasing trespassers for extended periods time without taking breaks.)

Range: Standard Melee Range, higher with projectiles

Standard Equipment: Bear Traps, Tomatoes, Glue, Shovel, Rope, Smoke Bombs, Mannequins

  • Optional Equipment: Welding gear, Strengthening Machine, CCTV Camera, Crab Mech
  • Traps: Wall of Bells, Swinging Axe, Spike Pit, Chainsaw, Buckets of Water, Sharkotron

Intelligence: Gifted, possibly Genius (Theodore is an expert in security, usually creating his own technological traps and improves his tactics when looking around for any intruders. He is also a highly skilled engineer as he created some of the greatest designs of an amusement park while also being capable of creating robots.)

Weaknesses: Theodore can be stunned whether that's by getting hit by any objects thrown at him or even accidentally running into his own traps. He is able unable to attack in his Ghost form or when he shapeshifts into an object.
