Toon Force is a catch-all phrase used to categorize and explain the myriad of feats that are commonly performed by cartoon characters. Due to the greater level of freedom that the world of animation offers compared to others, animators and storytellers will often portray their cartoon characters as performing feats which would ordinarily be impossible or would simply "make no sense" in reality. Often-times, this trait carries over to the world that the cartoon character takes place in as well, but on certain occasions the implementation of "toon force" might be specific to certain individuals. The extent and nature of a toon force user's abilities vary from fiction-to-fiction, but there are a number of similarities among most of them.
Possible Uses[]
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics: Toon Force users are often portrayed performing superhuman feats, typically involving superhuman lifting strength or speed.
- ShapeShifting/Body Control: Toon Force users may be able to "adjust" their bodies a certain way, taking different shapes or outlines. This is sometimes used in junction with other abilities such as Camouflage or Size Manipulation.
- Vocal Mimicry: Toon Force users are often able to change their voice to sound like completely different people.
- Regeneration: Toon Force users are typically portrayed as being able to regenerate their bodies after sustaining great injury, though the extent varies, the range typically falls between Mid-Low and Mid-High.
- Hammer Space: Also called "the Magic Satchel", Toon Force users are frequently shown to be able to grab onto things seemingly from out of nowhere.
- Unpredictability: Self-explanatory.
- Supernatural Luck: Toon Force users are often portrayed as having a supernatural luck. Depending on the character and the context, this can be a benefit or a detriment to them.
- Blessed: Toon Force users might be portrayed as becoming more or less powerful based on their Social Influencing, typically factored by how popular or how funny they're perceived to be by an audience. Naturally, the nature of this relationship between audience and character also implies Fourth Wall Awareness. This is a considerably rare (but not unheard of) feat among Toon Force users and does not apply to all of them.
- The users might be incapable of using this ability to kill or permanently harm their opponents
Notable Users[]
- Looney Tunes characters (Warner Bros.)
- Silly Symphonies characters (Disney)
- SpongeBob SquarePants (Nickelodeon)
- Toon Force is sometimes used in a joking or sarcastic manner in versus debates, implying that because a cartoon character has Toon Force, they can do anything that they want to do and as such Toon Force ensures a sense of omnipotence for the user. Despite its ironic origins, this argument is sometimes used unironically in an effort to justify a character's abilities. For obvious reasons, however, this description falls under a No Limits Fallacy and as such should not be considered true for any character.