The Toons are the main antagonists of the Five Nights at Treasure Island video game series.
They are a group of supernatural entities brought to life by the Corruptus effect, at which point they were taken in by MOTHER, who viewed them as her children. While they are generally docile, they attack the humans that come onto Treasure Island, particularly Jake, an intern for the Supernatural Studies Association who begins working a night shift at Treasure Island while doing research on the location.
The Corruptus effect seems to give birth to multiple different species across Disney parks and resorts.
Physiology Types and Abilities[]
Basic, also known as Toons, are the basic abilities for the Toons:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Enhanced Senses (Enhanced Hearing; Toons' hearing are very sharp and relies on hearing to guide their movements and responds to sounds[1])
- Clairvoyance (Although some of them were stated to be blind due to having no vision, they can still detect the protagonist's whereabouts, even in the dark[1])
- Inorganic Physiology (Type 1; Are made of inks)
- Subjective Reality (Toons are remodelling of 2-D characters who are formed into the real world, which Mortimer entered a 3-D world and was formed as 3-D)
- Abstract Existence (Type 2; Entities who were created with Corruptus effect embodies the dark reflection of Disney)
- Immortality (Types 1, 2, 3, 7, and 8; Photo-Negative Mickey and the other toons can rip their head off and were perfectly fine. Due to lacking organs or blood, they could survive powerful guns like these, which is extremely fatal to humans. They were confirmed to be created with Corruptus effect. Corruptus entities are described as non-life and embodies the dark reflection of Disney. The universe is described as loop, meaning their regeneration will endlessly regenerate, although they don't have enough regeneration to regenerate after being reduced to ash)
- Regeneration (Low-High; Toons can regenerate after ripping their head off. Due to being made of ink, they achieve this type)
- Limited Reality Warping (The Corruptus are beings that are mistakes in the reality, unquantifiable non-life existences)
- Self-Sustenance (Types 1, 2, and 3; Ink beings lacks the need for food, drink, oxygen, nor rest)
- Intangibility (Inks can pass through a wall whenever they desire)
- Body Control and Shapeshifting (Are made of inks. Therefore, they can morph into anything they desire)
- Elasticity (Can stretch their body due to being an ink, although this advantage was never used in the franchise)
- Fusionism (The main toons can fuse to turn Hourglass)
- Technology Manipulation (Toons can mess with the cameras everytime they pass into another)
Resistance to:
- Pain Manipulation (They can endure pain from ripping their own heads, showing no signs of pain)
- Soul Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Emotional Manipulation and Memory Manipulation (Lacks souls. Soul is the source of all emotions, personality, and memories in one being stem from, thus directly connects to the non-physical mind)
- Life Manipulation (Corruptus entities are beings that have never been alive. They are simply created by the human mind)
- Bone Manipulation (Ink lacks bones)
- Light Manipulation (Lacks visions. Willie was unaffected by a camera flash that instantly blinded MickMick's Phase 2, though this resistance varies from the Toons due to some of the Toons being affected by this)
- Disease Manipulation (Inks are immune to diseases)
Varies; All previous basic abilities, however, depends on the character's Inorganic Physiology since most of them aren't made of inks such as Mascot Photo-Negative Mickey being Supernatural Costume and is not a Toon, but rather Corruptus:
These abilities applies to The Corruptus.
- Reality Warping (Causes glitches and distorts the universe, and could've created a virus that will distort Jake's reality to the point that he is killed by the other Toons[2])
- Disease Manipulation (Could've created a virus that will distort Jake's reality to the point that he is killed by the other Toons)
- Telekinesis (The Corruptus makes the objects float)
- Duplication (There are multiple The Corruptus in the cameras)
- Life Manipulation (The Corruptus effect created the Toons)
Note: Although the Toons are created by Corruptus and are confirmed to be Corruptus, they are still Toons and are basic. Meanwhile, Corruptus Physiology is the one that created the Toons.