Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki


Torchwood Default

Torchwood is a boss plant in Plants Vs. Garden Warfare 2, and one of the toughest. However, this would be the playable Torchwood, the plant that was locked away in the gnome's purgatory, which is a chest with 5 rainbow locks. The reason is that Torchwood's anger grows immeasurable, however, that purgatory only made it multiply even more.

Powers and Stats:[]

Tier: 1-B, most likely High 1-B.

Name: Torchwood, BBQ Tree Man(Fanon).

Origin: Plants Vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2, Trials Of Gnomus.

Gender: Referred as male.

Age: Unknown, most likely hundreds of years in tree ages.

Classification: Sentient Plant, Tree.

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Fire Manipulation (Can breath out fire, has fire burning on his head which does no damage to him), Large Size (Type 0), Inorganic Physiology (Is a sentient tree), Enhanced Senses (Always knows where a zombie hero is at most times, can catch zombie heroes behind his back even with element of surprise), Massive Endurance/Pain Suppression (Able to constantly move and fire while being shot, bitten, toxic, burned, knockback and tackled), Air Manipulation (Able to control the wind to use leaves as shields to increase durability), Rage Power (Able to go into Berserker Mode, which makes him faster, stronger and deal fire damage, as well as fire unlimited blue flames), Summoning (Can summon plants from specific soils, which can be from the ground or pots), Infinite Ammunition (Able to constantly fire wood chipper with overheating), Regeneration (Mid-Low).

Attack Potency: Hyperversal-Level (Comparable to Plasma Pea, who uses superpositional universes as ammunition and can reload them indefinitely), Most likely High Hyperversal-Level (Able to fight zombie bosses on a one-on-one fight, while the other plant heroes would need to retreat from damage).

Speed: Massively Hypersonic+ Travel Speed (Comparable to Power Chomper, who has slightly below lightning speed), FTL Reaction Speed (Able to react to and attack zombies with elements of surprise, able to dodge a ZPG and a Super Ultra Ball and lasers as well as beams).

Lifting Strength: Class 100, possibly Class K (Superior to Super Brainz).

Striking Strength: Hyperversal-level (Able to swat Super Brainz away or tackle him), Most likely High Hyperversal-Level.

Durability: Hyperversal-Level, Most likely High Hyperversal-Level.

Stamina: Inexhaustible (Able to constantly keep up with zombies' stamina, on par with Super Brainz, able to constantly move without stopping or breaking a sweat).

Range: Hundreds of Meters with primary weapon, Several meters with Blazin' Blast.

Standard Equipment: Upgrades.

Intelligence: Above Average, likely Gifted, Has Genius-level battle intelligence (A war veteran, strategist, as smart as the other plant heroes).

Weaknesses: None.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Blazin' Blast: Able to breath out flames that are much stronger than Snapdragon's and Flame Chomper, able to vanquish multiple zombie heroes at a close proximity.
  • Smoldoring Madness: Able to shoot with infinite wood chipper without cool-down, gain a tiny speed boost and damage boost as well as fire damage. However, the ability has a varied duration, which will decrease faster from traveling movement.
  • Leaf Shield: Gain a defense boost that allows Torchwood to endure much more damage, being able to endure a ZPG. Has a 15 seconds duration.
  • Wood Chipper: Torchwood's primary attack.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
