Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Tuco Salamogca
Unusual. Last two days, I couldn't get Gonzo on the phone. He's been acting all pouty on account of No-Doze. Explain to me, how is it my fault that that little bitch did not know his place? I saw this coming. I can see the future, you know? It's this gift that I have deep inside my head. I knew last night they were going to come and try and bust me. Gonzo went and snitched to the cops! That lousy son of a bitch! I trusted him like a brother! I was good to him! I was good! I see Gonzo, I'm going to gut him, I'm going to skin him, and I'm going to stuff his hide for a heavy bag, and every time I hit him, it's going to be like a lesson to myself! You never, NEVER trust the people that you love!
~ Tuco Talking About Gonzo's Betrayal


Tuco Salamanca was a drug kingpin and member of the Salamanca cartel. Tuco was raised by his uncle Hector alongside his cousins, being trained to be a killing machine. Eventually getting addicted to meth, Tuco would sell meth in Albequrque, and eventually became the distributer of Walter White & Jesse Pinkman. Tuco would eventually attempt to kidnap Walter & Jesse so that they could cook for his cartel, but was killed by Hank Schrader before he had the chance.

Powers & Stats[]

Tier: 9-C, higher with weaponry

Name: Tuco Salamanca

Origin: Breaking Bad

Gender: Male

Age: 32 (Better Call Saul), 38 (Breaking Bad)

Classification: Human, Meth distributor, Meth addict

Powers & Abilities:

Attack Potency: Street level (Could break the skater twins legs with a single stomp, which requires this much energy. Beat a street thug to death by accident. Threw Jesse through a thin wooden door. Could harm & sevearly injure Mike), higher with weaponry (Has used an M4 Carbine, revolver, & pistol. His sawn-off shotgun was stated to have blown a mans head apart. Threatened to cut the skater twins legs off with his knife)

Speed: Athletic Human (Could attack Jesse before he could react. Could keep pace with Mike & Hank in combat), Transonic to Supersonic+ Attack Speed with weaponry

Lifting Strength: Athletic Human (Could throw Jesse through a thin wooden door. Could somewhat grapple with Mike)

Striking Strength: Street level

Durability: Street level (Withstood having Jesse slam a rock against his head, getting shot with his own gun, and getting kicked full force by Jesse where his bullet wound was, and was still able to participate in a gunfight with Hank)

Stamina: Peak Human (Was mostly fine after getting shot & kicked in the stomach, getting hit in the head with a rock, and could still engage in a gunfight right after)

Range: Standard Melee Range, Hundreds Of Meters with firearms

Standard Equipment: Taurus Raging Judge, Jericho 941 R, M4 Carbine, Sawn-off Shotgun, Knife, Meth

Intelligence: Average (Is a respected & feared meth distributer, but is prone to violent outbursts & is addicted to meth)

Weaknesses: Extremely violent & impulsive. Addicted to meth

Notable Matchups[]

Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
