So I've actually been wanting to do this for a while now
Im getting all the scans from this site
So everything takes place in the Superjail, which appears to be a volcano. Of course, its not a normal volcano, and we'll get right into that right now. Superjail is much bigger than it looks, its a portal really, and its much bigger on the inside than out. The outside contains clouds that isnt part of the normal sky, and inside the volcano/superjail contains a sun thats been seen several, several, several times throughout the show, and at night a moon, a starry sky and also a space with galaxies has also been seen. Superjail is referred to by the Warden as "My universe" , this is not hyperbolic, in fact, we consistently have information that Superjail is a universe, such as the description of it on the official sit there is a space-time continuum in the superjail that Warden can manipulate, and that it is free from the constraints of time and space. And in a official interview, Superjail is stated to be its own dimension. This makes it pretty obvious that Superjail is a universe separate from the conventional universe, with its own space-time.
This would make this cosmology Universe Level+ or 4-D/Low 2-C, to even 5-D or Low Complex Multiverse Level/Low 1-C so far due to transcending Space and Time. And Warden would scale it, as previously its stated that Warden can change the Space-Time continuum, he calls it his Universe.
Parallel Worlds[]
There are other Universe in Superjail (The show, not the Prison) that are talked about. Superjail takes place in dimension 5612 and its the largest prison in that dimension. We know these dimensions are universes, as in Time Police, warden refers to Superjail as the coolest prison in that universe.
Now for the important part: in the two-episode special, "Time Police", we meet a place called The Time Prison, a place that is a separate dimension from all the others, where we see an alternate future where Warden became a dictator and took control of the world after thinking of making Superjail international, creating another universe where Warden committed a crime that he didn't actually commit yet, this happens not only with other people, it also happens with objects, as a bullet was arrested because it could have killed President Hightower, and killed him in another universe, which makes it clear that possible actions and decisions that fill other paths are alternate universes where different things happen that could have happened, and these alternate worlds are their own time continuum. At the end of the episode, Warden touches himself and opens portals throughout space-time and encounters his version of the alternate future, which ends up confirming that these events happened somewhere else.
Returning to the time prison, this place is a separate dimension, where the flow of time is different, as Warden spent a few hours in the prison, but upon returning to Superjail, he had been gone for years.
This would make this cosmology Multiversal+ or 2-A, and Warden would scale as he was able to rupture the fabric of Space-Time and destroy the cosmology shown here.
Higher Universe (Fryer thing)[]
The Higher Universe is a concept rarely seen in Superjail, in fact, it only appeared in one episode, but it's something worth mentioning.
So After Combaticus killed the Time Judge, the cosmology was reset, showing that all the events of Time Police, and thus the multiverse, is inside a fryer, which is the same fryer we see in Time Police part 1 right at the beginning of the episode, before Jailbot captures Jacknife. This makes sense, as we have seen on several occasions that there is a larger version of Warden than Superjail, while there is a smaller Warden in another Superjail.
This hints that there is a larger Universe, where the entire Multiverse is small enough to be inside a fryer, and there are also versions of Jailbot, Jacknife, Warden, and the other characters, which are larger than Superjail's Multiverse.
This would make this cosmology 5-D to 6-D or Low Complex Multiverse Level/Low 1-C
Before we go to the next part, I'll respond to a counterargument.
“This could have just been a reset, the episode starts over after the time judge dies, there isn't really a Multiverse inside the fryer.”
This is disproved by the fact that no one could have reset the Multiverse on that occasion: the Judge was dead, the Time Police disappeared, and Warden was turned into a baby, which means that the Multiverse could not have been reset by anyone, and thus if there is a larger world.
Real World[]
The real world is the highest place in Superjail, and where the cosmology ends. Two versions of the real world were seen, one is in Dream Machine: After the dream machine explodes, reality is destroyed and The Warden wakes up, revealing that he is a wanderer and all of Superjail is just a dream in his mind.
The second occasion, is in the Commin' Home music video, where there is a real world in which viewers see Superjail, and Jailbot and Warden can go into this real world and attack the viewers.
One thing that needs to be clarified is the nature of Superjail and how it works.
Its nature as a dream has been questioned under the argument that "it is only a gag, Warden did not create all of reality by dreaming", an argument that is disproved by an interview with Christy Karacas and Stephen Warbricl, creators of the show, where they tell us that Superjail is a dream in a very explicit way:
"BE: How did Tim Carrington come to be the live-action version of the Warden?"
"CK: Well, he’s a friend of mine, and we’re fans of his band (Les Savy Fav), and we just wanted to do that live-action thing. I mean, David was in L.A., I think he was shooting “Role Models,” but…he’s kind of too big for us." (Laughs)
"SW: Too big to lie in the garbage." (Laughs)
"CK: And Tim’s just kind of a crazy guy, so we thought, “What if ‘Superjail!’ was just some homeless guy’s dream and wasn’t really real?” But he worked out good."
"SW: Tim was the only guy willing to lie in a real pile of vomit for that shoot."
This means it's not a gag, they had the idea of Superjail being just a dream from the beginning, and it's an idea that worked, besides, the Live Action is canon, since the idea of Superjail being a dream was born from an excuse to justify Tim playing The Warden in the Live Action.
This would make Real World Warden 7-D, or Complex Multiverse Level, 1-C.