Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

Analog Horror[]


Goji Kinetic Energy[]

Goji is as fast as cars, as we can see here. Utilizing the original weight of the suit and the weight of the average Japanese man, this creature would weigh 152.86 kg

Using this site

Average Speed[]

The 1960s car are 38-49 m/s

Low-End (38 M/S)/Subsonic = 110364,92 J (Wall Level)

Mid-End (43.5 M/S)/Subsonic = 144624,6675 J (Wall Level)

High-End (49 M/S)/Subsonic = 183508,43 J (Wall Level)

Max Speed[]

Modern cars are 50–58 m/s

Low-End (50 M/S)/Subsonic = 191075 J(Wall Level)

Mid-End (54 M/S)/Subsonic = 222869,88 J (Wall Level)

High-End (58 M/S)/Subsonic = 257110,52 J (Wall Level)

Biting through Anguirus skull[]

Anguirus suit is made of a hard skull

Man in the suit PX scaling

The average head height of a Japanese man is approximately 23 to 24 cm

Head height = 26/23,5 = 1,106 Cm per px

Distance to reach the actor skull = 13/1,106 = 11,75 Cm

It needs 500 kgf to crack the skull.

Assuming his teeth have the width/thickness of a male person finger = 2,5 cm/1,5 to 2.5 cm(using 2)

2,5 * 11,75 * 2 = 58,75 cm^3

Skull area = 1400 cm^3

1400 = 500

11,75 = 500/1400 = 0,35 kg per cm^3 = 58,75 * 0,35 = 20,56 kgf to pierce the anguirus neck

(20,56 + 500) * 9,8 = 5101,488 Newtons (Peak Human+)

Bite force to puncture Anguirus neck = 5101,488 * 0,5875 = 2997,1242 J (Street Level)

Zilla Suit PX Scale

Teeth length = 59 PXs/11,75 = 5,02 PX per cm

Teeth width = 24/5,02 = 4,78 cm

Teeth thickness = Assuming it's the same thickness of a lion one, that means it is 2,5-3 cm, this time I will use the mid-end, aka 2,75

Teeth area = 154,45375 Cm^3

58,75/0,35 = 167,85 Kgf to pierce the Anguirus' neck

(167,85 + 500) * 9,8 = 6544,93 N (Class 1)

Energy = 6544,93 * 0,1175 = 769,029275 J (Street Level)