Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

W.I.P. only goes up to 8-B. Don't know if I will actually use it on my profiles, or even finish it. Just doing it for fun. Everything that is being used here shouldn't be used on a profile.


Tier Level Energy in joules Energy in kilojoules Energy in Joules in order of getting + (WIP) Energy in Kilojoules in order of getting + (WIP)
10-C Below Average Human 0-54 J 0-0,054 75 0,075
10-B Average Human 54-675 J 0,054-0,580 225 0,23
10-A Athletic Human 675-4216 J 0,580-1,03 400 0,40
High 10-A Peak Human 4216-5017 J 1,03-2,310 7575 7.575
9-C Super Human 5017-701845 J 2,31-1589,35 22.500 22,5
9-B Wall Level 701845-7946750 J 1589,35-7946,75 60.000 60
Low 9-A Small Building/Room Level 7946750-23840250 J 7946,75-23840,25 120.000 120
9-A Building Level 23840250-71520750 J 23840,25-71520,75 225.000 225
High 9-A Large Building 71520750-245182400000 J 71520,75-245182400 450.000 450
8-C City Block 245182400000
Multi 8-C Multi City Block 980729600000-4903648000000 J
Low 8-B Small Town 4903648000000-49036480000000 J
8-B Town 49036480000000-12259120000000 J
High 8-B Large Town 12259120000000-980729600000000 J


"At least"[]

Should be used to denote the lower cap of a character, if the exact value is indeterminate.

"At most"[]

Should be used to denote the higher cap of a character, if the exact value is indeterminate.


Should be used to list a hypothetical statistic for a character, but inconclusive due to a lack of feats or viable power-scaling. The probability of said hypothetical statistic should be favorable.


Should be used to list a hypothetical statistic for a character, but inconclusive due to a lack of feats or viable power-scaling. The probability of said hypothetical statistic should also be indeterminate.


To get into the levels. You can

Damage someone at a certain level[]

To damage someone, your strength must be at least 1/4 of this person's durability

If you damage someone that said durability is 1200 J (Peak Human)

if you damage him with your blows, that would make you at least 300 J (Athletic Human)

as shown above, that may not always put you on his level but still scales you somewhere.


The most accurate way of doing so. There are multiple ways of doing calculations, depending on the feat.

Getting values[]

In order of getting values, we will use the average man/woman's weight, for the high/low ends



45-77,5 kg

45-77,5 Kg (Total) * 0.0497 (Average arm weight for woman) = 2.24-3.85 KG for arm

Average punch speed for woman is 7-10 M/S

Kinetic energy:

0.5 * Weight * Velocity^2 = 0.5 * 2.24-3.85 * 7-10 ^2 = 54.88-192.5 J

For athlete:

15-20 M/S

252-770 J

Peak woman:

20-25 M/S

0.5 * 3.36-5.12 * 20-25 ^2 = 672-1600 J


59-89.8 kg

59-89.8 kg Kg (Total) * 0.057(Average arm weight for woman) = 3.36-5.12 kg KG for arms

Average punch speed for woman is 10-15 M/S

Kinetic energy:

0.5 * Weight * Velocity^2 = 0.5 * 3.36-5.12 * 10-15 ^2 = 168-576 J

For athlete:

20+ M/S

672-1024 J

Peak Man:

25-30 M/S

0.5 * 3.36-5.12 * 25-30 ^2 = 1050-2304 J


The average human leg typically accounts for about 16–18% for females 17-18% for males



Woman kick speed: 13-22 Mph (5,811-9,834 M/s)

Woman leg weight: 45 to 77,5 (16 to 18%) = 7,2 to 13,95 kgs per leg

0,5 *7,2 to 13,95 * 5,811 to 9,834^2 = 121,5637956-674,5352031 J


35–55 mph (15,645 to 24,585 M/S)

0,5 * 7,2 to 13,95 * 15,645 to 24,585^2 = 881,15769-4215,845019375 J


60 Mph (26,82 M/S)

0,5 * 7,2 to 13,95 * 26,82^2 = 2697,4215-5017,20399 J


Too lazy to do it right now, lol

Superhuman levels[]

As we can see here: It takes at least 701844,743882 Joules to do a human-shaped hole on a wooden wall, I will use this value as a low-end for Wall level, a room as at least 4 walls and a ceiling, if we want to get Room/Small Building level, we can use this value * 5 = 1589350 * 5 = 7946750 J

For Building Level, we will assume it's three story tall, 7946750 * 3 = 23840250

For Large building, we are gonna assume 6, 23840250 * 3 = 71520750

Here, we know that it takes 58.6/245182400000 J to explode a City Block, I'm going to assume Multi is at least 4 = 980729600000

A small town contains 20-200 City blocks (245182400000 * 20-200 = 4903648000000-49036480000000), while a town goes from 100-500(2451824000000-12259120000000), with some large towns having up to 4.000 city blocks (980729600000000)

A Small city contains 8.000 (1961459200000000), with a average sized with 300 Square miles having 24,000 blocks (5884377600000000), a large one containing 40,000 (9807296000000000)

A small country contains 50.000(12259120000000000), while a average sized 100.000 (24518240000000000), a large one contains up to 500.000 (122591200000000000)

Australia (The smallest continet) has 7 small countrys, 5 average-sized, and 1 large (12259120000000000 * 7) + (24518240000000000 * 5) + (122591200000000000 * 1) = 330996240000000000