Big Eatie and Spinosaurus height[]
Spinosaurus JWCC total height: 23 FT or 701,04 cm and he is 199 PXs (0,28 cm per PX)
- Spino (No sail): 148 PXs = 528,57 cm
- Big Eatie: 144 PXs = 514,28 cm
- Spino's mouth: 12 PXs = 42,85 cm
Spinosaurus breaks through rock[]
Spinosaurus mouth: 98 PXs/42,85 cm = 2,28 cm per PXs
Rock dimensions:
- Height: 719 PXs = 315,35 cm
- Width: 413 PXs = 181,14 cm
- Thickness: I will assume that it's 1 to 2 M
- 1 = 57122,499
- 1.5 = 85683,7485
- 2 = 114244,998
Rock fragmentation is 8 J/cc
- 456979.992 J or 456.979992 KJ (Wall Level)
- 685469.988 J or 685.469988 KJ (Wall Level)
- 913959.984 J or 913.959984 KJ (Wall Level)
Indominus Rex takes a RPG bullet[]
Indominus Rex height: 21.9 Ft/667,5 cm
- 569 PXs/667,5 = 0,85 Cm per Px
- Jaw length: 177/0,85 = 208 cm
Indominus Rex jaw length = 213 PXs = 1,02 cm per px
- Explosion length = 872/1,02 = 854,90 cm
- Explosion height = 421/1,02 = 412,74
Explosion energy:
- Radius
- A = 352851,426 cm^2
- R = A/pi = 112373,065 = 335,144 cm or 3,35144
(3,35144^3)*((27136*1,37895+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2 = 0,003 T (Wall Level)
Ankylosaurus club[]
The Ankylosaurus club can exert up to 400 Mpa.
Ankylosaurs length:
- 695 PXs
- 28 Ft or 853,44 cm
- 695/853,44 = 0,81 cm per px
Ankylosaurus' club:
- Height: 49/0,81 = 60,49 cm
- Width: 89/0,81 = 109,87 cm
- Thickness: ?
- Energy:
- 6646,0363 cc
- 400 Mpa
- 2658414,52 J (Wall Level)
Kinetic Energy of the dinosaurs[]
Indominus Rex:[]
35 MpH and 10 Tons
- 1224049.1648 J or 0.00029255477170172 T (Wall Level)
32+ MpH (Faster than Trex) and 11 tons
- 1125525.6973312 J or 0.0002690070978325 (Wall Level)
60 Mph and 150 kgs
- 53948.43 J (Wall Level)