Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki


Stu Macher throws a chair throught a glass door[]

Stu Macher destroying a glass door

Casey Becker/Drew Barrymore is 163 Cm, which means her arm is 33.9 Cm

90/33,9 = 2,655 Cm per PX

Wood fragmentation[]

293/2,665 = 109,94 Cm

Wood value = 7.3774 J/Cc

109,94 * 7,3774 = 811,071356 J (Street Level)

Glass Fragmentation[]


Width = 192/2,655 = 72,31 Cm/0,7231 M

Length = 290/2,665 = 108,81/1,0881 M

Area = Width * Length = 72,31 * 108,81 = 7868,05 Cm^2

Radius = Area/Pi = 7868,05/3,14 = 2505,748

21.43/2505,748^0,5 = 21,43/50,057 = 0,428

FMPA = 0,428

Area = 7868,05 Cm^2/0,786805 M^2

FMPA * 1000000 = 0,428 * 1000000 = 428000

A * F = 0,786805 * 428000 = 336752,54 N

N * Distance = 336752,54 * 0,00238125 = 801,891985875 J (Street Level)


811,071356 + 801,891985875 = 1612,963341875 (Street Level)

Billy Loomis kicks Gale Weathers[]

The calc is here

Billy Loomis ran across a hallway[]

Himbry's hallway

Billy had likely run and entered into one of the two visible doors.

First, the values. Himbry's face is 259 PXs, he's 168 cm, which means his head is 21 cm

259/21 = 12,33 cm per PX

The door is 378 PXs, with a average door height being 203 cm

378/203 = 1,86 cm per PX

The door's window is 156 PX.

156/1,86 = 83,87 Cm

Now the angsize for the fartest door

203 * 581/(378*2*tan(70deg/2) = 0.7002

In the conversor we have 1721,4 cm/17,214 M

Speed = 1-2 seconds, we will be using 1,5

17,214/1,5 = 11,476 M/S (Peak Human+)


Nancy Loomis chirps a part of a brick off[]

Nancy Loomis chirp a part of a brick off

Nancy's 169 cm, which means her upper arm is 35.1, a forearm is 80-90% the total length of the upperarm, using 85% = 28.08 cm

Assuming that the brick is made of concrete

181/28,08 = 6,44 PX per cm

Part chipped off height = 61/6,44 = 9,47

width = 94/6,44 = 14,60

Concrete have a shearing strength of 40

9,47 * 14,60 * 0,159 (Knife thicknes) = 21,983658 Cc

21,983658 * 40 = 879,34632 J (Street Level)

Ghostface throws Cici Cooper[]

Normal scream2 280

Cici Cooper height = 162 cm

Cici Cooper's arm = 56 PXs/70,8 Cm = 0,79 cm per PX

Ghostface's mask is 30 cm and is 20 PX

30 * 287/(20*2*tan(70deg/2) = 307.48

According to the conversor = 216.33 cm or 2,1633 M

F = Mass in kg * Acceleration in M/S^2 * Distance in M

Cici Cooper = 54 kgs

Acceleration is 9,81 M/S

F = 54 * 9,81 * 2,1633 = 1145,986542 N or 116.85810567 KGf/257.63 LBf (Above Average+)

She didn't seem to struggle, so:

1,2x = 140,229726804 Kgf (Athletic Human)

1,35x = 157,7595 Kgf (Athletic Human)

1,5x = 175,2885 Kgf (Athletic Human+)

The Low-End seems fine to me


Roman Destroys a glass cabinet[]

Captura de tela 2024-10-03 171011

Tyson's upper arm is 163 PXs, he is 175 cm tall, which means his upper arm is 36,4

163/36,4 = 4,47 Px per cm


Height = 19 PXs = 19/4,47 = 4,25 cm

Width = 362 PXs = 362/4,47 = 80,98

Value = 7,3774 J/cc

Area = 80,98 * 4,25 = 344,165 cm^2

344,165 * 3 = 1032,495 cc * 7,3774 =


Height of glass = 581/4,47 = 129,97 cm

Width = 358/4,47 = 80,08 cm

Radius = Area/3,14 = (129,97 * 80,08)/2 = 5203,9988 Cm^2/0,52039988 M^2

21,43/(5203,9988)^0,5*1000000*(1,2997*0,8008)*0,00238125 = 736,250 J (Street Level)


1032,495 + 736,250 = 1768,745 J (Street Level)


Jill throwing Sidney at a glass cabinet[]

Jill throws Sidney


Jill Roberts's 157 Cm, which means her upper arm is 32.6 Cm

Sidney's 165 Cm, which means her upper arm is 34.3 Cm

34,3 * 565/(105*2*tan(70deg/2) = 16.52

putting it into the conversor I have = 118.14 Cm

F = Mass * Acceleration * Distance

F = 59 * 9,81 *  1,1814 = 683,782506 N or 69,7264108 KGf

According to IA, a stab wound in your shoulder decrease 20-50% of your total strenth

using the lowest end we will get 83,67169295999999

you need to lift at least 1.2x-1.5x someone's weight to lift them without struggle 83,67169295999999 * 1,2-1,5 = 100,406031552-125,507539439999985 Kgf (Above Average+ - Athletic)

Charlie Walker avoids to a bullet[]

Charlie Walker dodges a bullet

Now, no Charlie didn't avoid it, as he started moving after Dewey had already shot, and yes Dewey missed the bullet, but the light only broke AFTER Charlie began to move

Now let's start:

Ghostface's mask is 104 PXs

The mask is approximately 30 cm tall

104/30 = 3,47 Cm per pixel

2atan(tan(70/2deg)*(104/766) = 10,896 degrees

Which would be = 157,28 cm

Dewey's distance

Dewey Riley/David Arquette is 178 Cm

which means his knee is 39,5 cm

2atan(tan(70/2deg)*(194/766) = 20,16 degrees

Which is 111,1 Cm

Distance from Dewey to Ghostface is around = 157,28 + 111,1 = 268,38

Now the distance of Dewey to the lamp =

2atan(tan(70/2deg)*(49/766) = 5,134

Lamp height = 49/3,47 = 14,12 cm

157,47 Cm

157,47 + 111,1 = 268,57 cm

Dewey is using a Glock 19, which travels 1000-1500 Feet per second, I will use the low-end

2,6857/304,8 = 0,0088

Time to break the lamp = 29 Frames, according to this

29/60 Frames = 0,48 S

0,48/Bullet speed = 0,48/0,0088 M/S = 54,54 M

Time to Charlie starts moving = 18 Frames

18/60 = 0,3 S

0,3/0,0088 = 34,09 M/S (Superhuman+)

Jill Roberts getting a SHOCK (Might not be usable)[]

Formula: Volts * Amps * Time in Second (How old is the electricity in seconds)


According to IA

'A defibrillator typically delivers a shock with an energy level between 120-200 joules. The voltage used in AEDs varies, but it is typically 2,000 V. The chance of survival during defibrillation is 50-70% if it happens within five minutes of collapse.'

Using the higher end, 360 J = 3600 V



Time in seconds[]

528 Frames/24 = 22 seconds


3600 * 20 * 22 = 1584000 J (Wall Level)

Why this might not be usable?[]

Because with this formula, is it relatively easily to get a huge value, and Idk if she's reliable, if we get any value that is high on any of theses (like 1000 V), with at least ten on the others, we already would have (100000 J)

If so, why did I did this, mostly for fun but I also have a:

Second formula[]

Joules * time Jill was getting electrocuted in seconds:

Might also not be reliable but let's go anyway:

33 F/24 = 1,375 S

360 J * 1,375 = 495 J (Street Level)

If you're curious if we used volts instead of joules, we would have:

4950 J (Street Level)

Third formula[]

Formula from here.

Current = Voltage / Resistance

Watts = Voltage x Current

1,000 - 10,000, 5,500 as mid-end

will use the 3600 V

3600/1000 = 3,6 Amps

  • 12.960 J (Street Level+)

3600/5500 = 0,65 Amps

  • 2.340 J (Street Level)

3600/10000 = 0,36 Ams

  • 1.296 J (Street Level)


Sam + Wayne fall[]

Formula = Mass * Aceleration * Height

They fell from a two story tall (6.6 M)

Melissa Barera/Sam Carpenter = 121 Lbs(55 Kgs)

55 * 9.81 * 6.6 = 3561,03 Joules (Street Level)

Wayne Bailey/Dermot mulroney = 160 Lbs/72 Kgs

He fell on a glass table, which are 0.45 M

6.6 - 0.45 = 6.15

72 * 9.81 * 6.15 = 4343,868 (Street Level)

The glass table destruction should be calculated too, and added to the value of Wayne fall

Gale smashes Quinn into a glass table[]


Tabletop thickness = 0.5" or 1,27 cm

Cm per PX = 8/1,27 = 6,30


Tabletop length/width = 471/6,30 = 74,76 cm

(74,76/2)^2*3,14 = 4387,410216 Cm^2 or 0,43874102 M^2

21,43/(4387,410216 )^0,5*1000000*(0,7476*0,7476)*0,00238125 = 430,587 J (Street Level)


Part 1[]

13/6,30 = 2,06 cm

207/6,30 = 32,85 cm

6/6,30 = 0,95 cm

2,06 * 32,85 * 0,95 = 64,28745 cc

6,9637 * 64,28745 = 447,678515565 (Street Level)

12 legs = 5372,14218678 J (Street Level)

10 legs = 4476,78515565 J (Street Level)

Part 2[]

35/6,30 = 5,55 cm

68/6,30 = 10,79 cm

10,79 * 5,55 * 0,95 = 56,890275 cc

396,1668080175 J (Street Level)

Two of it so 792,333616035 J


792,333616035 + 4476,78515565 + 430,587 = 5699,705771685 J(Street Level)


Piper stabs through and lifts a metal freezer with brooke inside it.[]

Stabbing through[]

Volume of freezer stabbed = width of blade * thickness of blade * thickness of freezer

The average width of a knife is 3,8 Cm, and are on average 0,2 Cm thick. Freezers are on average 5-10 cm thick

Freezers are more commonly made of stainless steel, which have a shearing strength of 358 J/cc

Volume of freezer stabbed = 3,8 * 0,2 * 5 to 10 = 3,8 to 7,6 Cc

2^2 * 3,8 to 7,6 = 15,2 to 30,4

15,2 to 30,4 * 358 = 5441,6-10883,2 J (Street Level-Street Level+)

Mid end - 8162,4 (Street Level+)

Lifting it[]

  • Small chest freezers: Typically weigh between 50-70 pounds (22.7-31.8 kg).
  • Medium chest freezers: Usually weigh around 95 pounds (43.1 kg).
  • Large chest freezers: Can weigh up to 150 pounds (68 kg) or more.
  • Extra large chest freezers: Can weigh around 63.5 kg (140 pounds).

I will assume it is a large chest freezer, due to Brooks fitting inside it

with Brooke/Carlson Young weighting 50 Kgs/110 lbs which would be 118 Kgs/260 lbs in total (Above Average+)

Since the killer seems not to struggle to do so, we will multiply it by 1,2-1,5 = 141,6-177 Kgs (Athletic Human-Athletic Human+)