Zenon, the ruler of the demon world, declares the extermination of mankind and begins an invasion of the Earth. However, one of the four heavenly demons, Amon, rejects humans as weak beings and attacks Zenon, only to be defeated. Amon is then exiled from the demon world and escapes to the human world with a mortal wound, where he meets a human boy, with whom he would forge a bond, Kamishiro Kei.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 10-C|9-B|9-A|8-C At least 8-B| Possibly 7-B

Kei Kamishiro
Kei Kamishiro



Beast God

True power Devilman
The Beast God
True power Devilman
Name: Kei Kamishiro, Amon
Origin: Devilman
Gender: Male
Age: 15 years old, Unknown
Classification: Human, Demon, Devilman
Powers and Abilities:
Flight, Multiple_Selves, Peak Human Physical Characteristics(Kei survived getting An arm through the chest chest), Regeneration, Bodily_Weaponry, Blood_Manipulation, Energy_Projection, Extrasensory Perception(Sensed he was being watched from the demon realm which resides at the edge of space) ,Transformation, Soul_Manipulation (Devilman’s left arm can purify the souls of those who died a regretful death and can use them to attack his target), Weather Manipulation(Summoned a lighting storm when transforming), Sound Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Fear Manipulation(He can create and eat a cluster made of human terror called “somedark/Zomdark”), Forcefield Creation,Body Control, Fire Manipulation, Fusionism, Shapeshifting, Unholy_Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation,Telepathy, Portal Creation(Demons can create portals), Power Bestowel, Regeneration
Resistance to Sealing (Resisted Badaki’s power sealing thread), Empathic Manipulation
Attack Potency: Street level (Caused a cave in that destroyed the ground above), Small building level (Several low tier demons were able to destroy a plane and Amon is ranked higher than them shown here), Building level (After combing with Cerberus he one shots Himuka who is bigger than several buildings), City block level (One shots The demon castle which destroyed a city block itself), Possibly City level (Summoned a storm by transforming)
Speed: Subsonic (moves faster Than the eye can see), Possibly faster with “Devil bullet”, At least Subsonic+ (Is on par with sirene and Amon himself is surprised at how fast she is even after 3 battles), Possibly Transonic (Amon kept up with a Sirene who was pushed to her bodies limit and Kei body blocked her claw), Possibly Supersonic (Can Create supersonic waves with his wings)
Lifting Strength: Below average human before fusing with Amon (Couldn’t lift up a child in a wheelchair), Superhuman after fusing with Amon
Striking Strength: Street level (His punches hurt Gaiki who dug a cave underground), Likely small building level | At least Building level
Durability: City block level | Possibly city level (Was struck by the storm he summoned and was unaffected)
Stamina: Superhuman (Kei survived an attack from lesser demons and a hole in the chest from silene), Infinite (As Devilman Kei and Amon can take blows that should be beyond fatal and continue fighting)
Range: Hundreds of meters (Devilman has long range Energy blast attacks that cover different radiuses)
Standard Equipment: Claws, Weaponized left arm, Bodily weaponry
Intelligence: Average (Kei is only 15 years old) | Average (Amon’s age is never revealed but he seems to have an Average intelligence)
Feats: Detected Virfe’s gaze All the way from the demon world which resides on the edge of space
In Human form he Sensed his friend was in Danger without knowing her location
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
Devil arrow
Devil beam
Devil bullet
Devil wave
Devil cutter
Shamanic fire
Virfe stated he needed Devilman’s zomedark/Somedark (Fear energy) to rule over the demon world
Notable Victories:
Defeated Virfe
Defeated Sirene