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Hello everyone. I am planning to do a big blog 'bout Homestuck, but before I do that, I need to do this blog about Paradox space and a blog likely about the Green Sun.

Let's get to it, this will be a rather short blog.

The Start: The "Extra-Dimensional Cosmic Superstring Strata"[]

Homestuck shares a verse with problem slueth. This happened in problem slueth. What does this mean exactly?

Well, judging how it says "Extra-Dimensional" and "Superstring" it means problem slueth and homestuck run on string theory.

The Higher Dimensions[]

There is the GPI room, which easily repaired that, and transcends that, making it 12D

Then, there is the Hussie Plane, which views that as fiction, making that 13D

The MSPA Readers view that as fiction making it 14D

Then, the universe they live in, The land of Stumps and dismay, is 15D.

And then finally, PARADOX SPACE, which transcends all of existence making it 16D
