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Lucio has technology specifically made to create vibrations
Vibration Manipulation is the ability to spontaneously create, manipulate, or otherwise utilize vibrations of any intensity in combat. This ability appears most frequently as an offensive attack, unsettling the ground beneath the target or sending destructive shockwaves to pummel foes. Note that this does not apply to characters who can create shockwaves through brute force, but have this ability as a special power or technique.
- Whitebeard and Marshall D. Teach (Blackbeard) (One Piece)
- MegaMan.EXE, Bass.EXE, and many other NetNavis through various Battle Chips, Mega Man (Star Force) Geo Stelar and Harp Note through various Battle Cards (Mega Man)
- Vibe, Flash and other Speed Force users (DC)
- Nakiri Kuubou (Masadaverse)
- Chitose Oboro Amatsu, Zephyr Coleraine, Kerberos, Lucido Grand-Scenic (Silverio)