Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

My name is Walter Hartwell White. I live at 308 Negra Arroyo Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104. To all law enforcement entities, this is not an admission of guilt. I am speaking to my family now. Skyler, you are the love of my life. I hope you know that. Walter Junior, you're my big man. There are going to be some...things. Things that you'll come to learn about me in the next few days. I just want you to know that, no matter how it may look, I only had you in my heart. Goodbye.
~ Walter's Goodbye Message

Who are you talking to right now? Who is it you think you see? Do you know how much I make a year? I mean, even if I told you, you wouldn't believe it. Do you know what would happen if I suddenly decided to stop going into work? A business big enough that it could be listed on the NASDAQ goes belly up. Disappears! It ceases to exist without me. No, you clearly don't know who you're talking to, so let me clue you in. I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger. A guy opens his door and gets shot and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks!
~ Walter's Speach To Skyler

Look, look, you two guys are just... guys, okay? Mr. White... he's the devil. You know, he is... he is smarter than you, he is luckier than you. Whatever... whatever you think is supposed to happen, I'm telling you, the exact reverse opposite of that is gonna happen, okay?
~ Jesse's Warning To Hank

Happy Birthday Mr. Lambert.
~ Waitress
I did it for me. I liked it. I was good at it. And, I was, really... I was alive.
~ Walter's Final Confession To Skyler


Walter Hartwell White Sr. was a mild mannored & passive high school chemistry teacher. After earning his PhD in chemistry, he founded the company "Grey Matter Technologies", though would walk away from the company right as the company started becoming successful.

The day after his 50th birthday, Walter was diagnosed with lung cancer. Not having enough money to pay for his treatment or to leave anything for his family after his death, he convinces an old student of his, Jesse Pinkman, to cook crystal meth with him so that he could make money for his family.

Walter would go onto rise up in the criminal world, dubbing the name "Heisenberg". He would go on to be a cook for Gus Fring, expanding his empire with Walter's formula. After eventually killing Gus & starting his own drug trade, his empire became one of the largest drug empires US history.

Powers & Stats[]

Tier: 10-A, possibly 9-C physically, 9-C with weaponry, 9-C to 9-B with explosives

Name: Walter Hartwell White Sr., Walt, Mr. White, Heisenberg, Mr. Lambert

Origin: Breaking Bad

Gender: Male

Age: 50 (Pilot), 51 (Fifty-One), 52 (Felina)

Classification: Human, High School Teacher, Meth Cook, Kingpin

Powers & Abilities:

  • Poison Manipulation (Made phosphine gas to poison Emillio & Krazy-8, with Walter saying that 1 good whiff is enough to kill someone. Has access to poisons such as ricen & Lily Of The Valley)
  • Acid Manipulation (Frequently uses acid to dissolve bodies)
  • Explosion Manipulation (Via Fulminated Mercury & Pipe Bomb)
  • Fire Manipulation (Has access to thermite. Burned down Gus' superlab)
  • Magnetism Manipulation (Used a large magnet to destroy a laptop)
  • Resistance To Airborne Gasses (Via Gas Mask)

  • Attack Potency: Athlete level+, possibly Street level physically (Can harm Jesse, who can survive falling off of a roof onto his head, can kick open a door in 2 kicks [248 Joules], easily overpower & injure Saul Goodman who can kick down a door with 3 kicks [165 Joules], and survive brutal beatings from Tuco and Hank. Slammed Jesse against a bookshelf hard enough to break the shelves. Broke through a small section of a door over repeated hits. Dented a towel dispenser with a few punches. Knocked over a large man with a single stomp), Street level with weaponry (Uses various firearms within this range), Street level+ (His fulminated mercury can create an explosion this large) to Wall level with explosives (His pipe bomb could create an explosion this large)

    Speed: Average Human, Subsonic Trave Speed with Vehicles (Has been shown to drive up to 90 mph [40.23 m/s]), Subsonic+ to Supersonic Attack Speed with Firearms

    Lifting Strength: At least Average Human (Can throw around Jesse & even drag him around, with Jesse having a weight of 70 kg. Threw a large pizza onto a roof. Could overpower Jesse even while in handcuffs, with Jesse being able to strangle Todd to death. Overpowered Saul Goodman, who could lift up a man with 1 hand, albeit barely), up to Class 5 with magnets (Walt's Ford F-350 is equipped with Old Joe's electromagnet, which is capable of picking up cars and moving them around)

    Striking Strength: Athlete level, possibly Street level

    Durability: Athlete level+, possibly Street level (Can survive attacks from Jesse without major injury. Could survive weak attacks from Mike & Hank. Survived a decent sized fall without injury while chasing a fly)

    Stamina: High (Could chase around a fly for almost 24 hours while taking several injuries. Can fight with Jesse for extended periods of time. Walked through a hot desert while rolling a large barrel of money for an extended period of time and still had the energy to overpower Skyler. However, his lung cancer can often cause him to have extreme coughing fits)

    Range: Standard Melee Range, Several Meters with Explosives, Hundreds Of Meters with Firearms

    Standard Equipment: None Notable

    Optional Equipment:

    • Blue Sky Meth
    • 1986 Fleetwood Bounder
    • Phosphine Gas: A deadly gas created by Walt in order to kill two meth dealers. Walter states that one good whiff of it is enough to kill a person
    • Hydrofluoric Acid
    • Thermite
    • Gas Mask
    • Fulminated Mercury: An explosive chemical which Walter used to blow up Tuco's hideout. When thrown, a small chunk of it caused an explosion powerful enough to shatter all of the windows in the building
    • Ricin: An effective but slow-acting poison that gives people flu-like symptoms before killing them within 2 - 3 days
    • Aztek
    • Ruger LCR
    • Lily Of The Valley
    • Pipe Bomb
    • Smith & Wesson Model 442
    • Old Joe's Electromagnet
    • M60 Machine Gun

    Intelligence: Genius (Walter is a highly intelligent & skilled chemist, being far too overqualified for his job as a high school chemistry teacher. He has a PhD in chemistry, and could cook 99.1% pure meth in his first cook, which is extremely difficult to pull off in real life. Earned a nobel prize while still in graduate school & helped found Grey Matter Technologies. Has been capable of manipulating Jesse numerous times, even after loosing his trust. Planned a large-scale robbery of a government train, which he successfully executed. Could quickly come up with a plan to kill Emillio & Krazy-8. Managed to outsmart & kill Gustavo Fring, a very calculating & intelligent buisnessman who has managed to avoid the police for years & outsmart people such as Lalo. Nearly managed to poison & kill Tuco, his plan only failing due to Jesse. Has managed to outsmart Mike multiple times. Managed to cut his way out of a ziptie by using an electric wire to cut himself out. Created an automatic machine gun turret off of nearly no recources. Made a battery off of random supplies sitting in his RV. Was able to memorize an 18-digit number off of a single glance. Made a pipe bomb & fulminated mercury off of very little recources & time)

    Weaknesses: His lung cancer can cause him to have bad coughing fits. His ego & greed will often cause him to fall into traps & allow people not as smart as him such as Jesse & Hank to trick him

    Notable Matchups[]

    Notable Victories:

    Dexter Morgan (Dexter TV Series) Dexter's Profile (Both were 9-C & had 1 week of prep)

    Lalo Salamanca (Breaking Bad) Lalo's Profile (Both had 1 week of prep)

    Notable Losses:

    Inconclusive Matches:
