Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
...What's this?... More fusion? It sounds more like desperation to me. It won't save you! I am invincible!
~ Xicor to Goku®


Xicor (ザイコー Zaikō) is a demon of pure evil and great power, he is the combination of the souls of the Saiyans who was killed during the event of the Dragon Ball Budokai AF. Born as a Super Saiyan 5, Xicor causes a massacre on Earth and will eventually destroy the entire Universe. He is later defeated by Son Goku and Vegeta in the near-end of the Evil Goku Saga.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 1-A, far higher with absorption

Name: Xicor/Zaiko

Origin: Dragon Ball Budokai AF

Gender: Male

Age: A few days old before his death

Classification: Saiyan, Super Saiyan 5, Amalgam of Evil Spirits

Powers and Abilities:

Attack Potency: Outerverse level (Fought against Goku and Dark Angel Vegeta. Goku believed that he could not be able to defeat Xicor by himself), far higher with absorption (After absorbing Super Saiyan 3 Lifer and Piccolo, Xicor stomped Future Trunks, forcing Goku to fuse with Trunks in order to fight Xicor back. After absorbing Future Trunks, Xicor became much stronger than before, forcing Vegetto to transform into a Super Saiyan 5 to overwhelm him)

Speed: Irrelevant (Should be as fast as Super Saiyan 5 Goku. Gets far faster by absorbing people. Should be faster than Super Saiyan 4 Vegetto after absorbing Trunks, Lif, Slufer and Piccolo)

Lifting Strength: Unknown, likely Irrelevant

Striking Strength: Outerversal, far higher with absorption

Durability: Outerverse level, far higher with absorption

Stamina: Superhuman (Fought both Goku and Vegeta for a while)

Range: Standard Melee Range, Irrelevant with various techniques

Standard Equipment: None notable.

Intelligence: Gifted (Xicor should have extreme experience in fighting and killing enemies thanks to his Saiyan form. Planned and successfully absorbed Lifer, Piccolo and Trunks, becoming much more skilled after absorbing them, gaining their knowledge and skills. Recognized Trunks' attempt to stall out the fusion immediately, making sure Goku and Trunks couldn't fuse. Took advantage of Trunks' lack of situational awareness by laying a clever trap with his lower half, leading to Trunks being absorbed)

Weaknesses: None notable.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
